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Thread: Signs of Spring!

  1. #31


    No, I'm not from WV but I'm sure that I'd love it down there if I were. I consider this area (Southern Tier NY) the northern limits of Appalachia! No one else does except the few ramp eaters and blue grassers we have here. (actually we have a lot of 'em but they won't admit it). They have ramp festivals here too! I've never been to one but I'll hit the next one if at all possible. I know a spot where ramps grow beautifully so I can bring in my share. I agree with NY Angler. They is guuu-ud with trout and spuds! And those who ain't tried 'em should give them a try this spring!

    OL' Bill

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Ft Wayne, IN


    Spring? Yes, we had a couple of signs a day or two ago. Forgot what they were, but they're getting snowed on right now. TV says it should be 45 degrees or so now - NOT! Maybe I can take the Hobie out on the ice and set on it and get the wife to jerk on my flyline - yeah, that might have possitilities. Heh, heh, heh, heeehhh....

    Donald, I think.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Northfield, MA USA


    Had some Ramps last year. Was stocking salmon and went into the woods to relieve myself and low and behold.... Made a great meal.

    As for signs of spring, was that what the 8" of snow that we got early this week was or the snow thats coming tonight. I'm starting to get a little squirrelly about it all. Got my gear in the trunk of the car, just waiting.


  4. #34


    You poor devil, settin out there in Columbia, Mo with no Ramps growin there an' i'm not a thinkin there's iny Brook Trout either. Guess you're pretty well fixed fer taters and Rainbow trout though. Dang! If I cud think of a way to send you some I'd shure do it...maybe overnightin' em would work. I cud surprise You and put my brother-in-law's (RIP) return address on the package He's in the only place the ramps grow better than in WV. Name's Jim Flood, Prof of library science @ U. Missouri!

    Ol' Bill

    [This message has been edited by snipe (edited 12 March 2005).]

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Washington County, Idaho


    We have a Sweet William in bloom in front of the house and spring peepers chirping. And, I might have heard a turkey gobble last weekend on the Owyhee. Now if I can just smell the Cottonwoods in Missoula or the Chinese Witchhazel in Swarthmore I'd be set. RR

  6. #36


    yep, definitely signs of spring here in New Mexico. Mid 60 degree weather with 20mph winds! Spring is definitely coming, although I'm sure we'll get a few more snowfalls as well.

    Tight lines,

    Jeremy Barela

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Penticton BC
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    Man I had ramps once on a trip to NC . We have none Here in BC . I swear after eating ramps you could breath on the lake and just net the fish trying to leave home . Seriously they are gooooddd ! but not for the timid.
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Penticton BC
    Blog Entries


    Oh yeah ! the reason for the thread..... signs of spring . My crocus came up thru the lawn yesterday , The spring/summer catalogue arrived today . The ice is off the low lakes and the trout are biting , someone got a 9lbr the other day .
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

  9. Default

    No spring here yet...there is still snow on the ground and it can get pretty chilly.


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