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Thread: Kudos to the Idaho Fish and Game ...

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Kudos to the Idaho Fish and Game ...

    ... White Sand Satellite.

    Last year they pretty much met their goal of 840 Chinook Salmon returning to their "home" at Walton Creek just below the confluence of Colt Killed Creek and Crooked Fork Creek, the origin of the Lochsa River.

    Some pix from last year's spawning procedures ...

    ... four females ...

    ... one in delivery mode ...

    ... a "willing" male ...

    ... the redd, aka a white bucket, with a healthy mix of chinooks to be ...

    This year's goal is about the same, but they are getting a much higher return of "jack" salmon than last year. "Some chinooks return to the fresh water one or two years earlier than their counterparts, and are referred to as "jack" salmon. "Jack" salmon can be half the size of an adult chinook salmon, and are usually released by sportsmen, but kept by commercial fishermen. ( from Wikipedia )"

    When I first heard about this unusual mix several weeks ago, Idaho F&G was not sure what they were going to do with the jacks, which can not much contribute to the spawn and hatchery operation and are not favored for that purpose. A week or so ago, it occurred to me that perhaps I could coordinate an arrangement whereby the jacks were donated to the Missoula Food Bank.

    Today I stopped by the White Sand Satellite facility to talk to the fellow who manages it. Lo and behold, IDF&G recently made arrangements to transport the jacks live to one of the food banks down in the Kooskia / Kamiah area. The jacks will be processed locally and put into the food chain at the local food banks.

    So kudos to Steve and the rest of the gang at White Sand and the area managers who approved this project.

    The fish are always right.

  2. #2


    Great use of the Resource gents! Surprised local TU group not more involved with the activity. It is great to hear of a State agency going the extra mile to protect the species and make good use of the meat! Not sure how well those folks are funded in Idaho, but this certainly sounds like an 'above and beyond' call you John and the employees! As we used to say in the Navy...Bravo Zulu!

    US Veteran and concerned citizen

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Mojave Desert CA


    Actually I've read through this thread several times and am pleased with what they are doing. It's better than grinding the jacks up for feeding fish at the hatcheries or just throwing them in a dumpster. Several years ago we were at Cascade, ID. My grandson and I took a drive on a road that goes east out of that town and came across the fish and game workers at salmon traps on several different creeks. I remember one being Two Bit Creek. Mostly I think they were trying to get a count of fish going up to spawn. The local native Americans also had camps set up and were catching as many salmon as they could and then selling them on the highway in town for around $4.00 lb.
    Great story John. Kudos to the Idaho F&G. Jim
    I'm either going to, coming from or thinking about fishing. Jim

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