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Thread: A Fond Farewell to Fly Fishing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    DFW metroplex, TX USA

    Default A Fond Farewell to Fly Fishing

    I have a condition called Ideopathic Peripheral Neuropathy. Ideopathic is ?Doc speak? for we don?t know what is causing it, so have no way to cure it or stop or slow down its advance. Many people who have this suffer constant burning pain. I?m lucky. I?ve just gone numb. No pain.

    It has been going on for about 15 years now, but has advanced rapidly in the last 6 months and I am now incapable of fly fishing. When I put on waders and wading boots, I am totally disconnected from the ground and in high danger of falling. I have a hard time just buttoning shirts, to say nothing about tying any fly fishing knots.

    But don?t mourn for me. I was angry about it at first. Then I realized that fly fishing was once a major way for me to relieve stress, but I?ve now reached an age and stage where I no longer have much stress in my life. So God has been fair to me and I have no reason to be angry or to complain. I have so many great memories of the fishing and the friends I have met via fly fishing, and they'll last a lifetime.

    I?ll continue to post here. Don?t expect any current fishing reports, but I?ll participate and help as much as I can. I owe that this to board, which was so incredibly helpful to me as I learned the sport! I am really grateful for that!

    I've truly been blessed to have been ble to enjoy fly fishing and the wonderful people it attracts!

    Brad Morgan

  2. #2


    Brad -

    I have always enjoyed reading your posts here and as a guest, on another board you are also on. Your advice and wisdom is appreciated.

    I haven't read anything lately from you about your trailer and camping. Are you still doing that?


    P.S. I also have numbness in both feet and lower legs - have had it for past 20 years or so, which I think was the result of frostbite - but mine is not advancing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    New York



    Sorry to hear of your plight. However, with the medical knowledge you described, maybe the condition will simply not show up one day! Anyway, hope you'll continue to post here and share your knowledge and enthusiasm.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    southwest Virginia

    Default Partially in the same boat...


    Mine started about 15 years ago on the bottom of my left foot and has progressed, thank goodness, to only about calf high. However, I can't sleep on my left side anymore and if I turn over at night it soons wakes me up from the pain. Figure mine might be from diabetes cause my left lower leg and foot always feel "colder" and it feels like my circulation is somewhat impaired. My father-in-law got so bad in both feet that he had trouble feeling the gas and brake pedals in the car with his feet.

    Sorry that yours has caused a cessation in your fly flishing though. Your correct about memories. Can't take those away.

    Here's hoping you might be able to find some relief.

    Dick - Grn Mt Man

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Rigby, Idaho


    Brad, sorry for your situation. Mine started quite a few years ago due to two back surgeries which resulted in nerve damage - same result. Loss of feeling in my feet led to a recurring sprained ankle leading to a reconstructive surgery which eventually resulted in an ankle fusion. A new hip thrown in the mix and I have a challenge staying upright in the river.

    Two things keep me fishing still:
    Wading staff and a pontoon boat - they work for me.

    I hope things will work out for your best solution. Know that I truly feel your pain, or, in this case, lack of any feeling. It is frustrating, but I admire your will and tenacity. Keep the faith and enjoy the continued ride.
    Tight Lines,


    "There will be days when the fishing is better than one's most optimistic forecast, others when it is far worse. Either is a gain over just staying home."

    Roderick Haig-Brown, "Fisherman's Spring"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Rock Springs, Wyo., USA


    Brad, I hope you don't leave here, we love hearing from you! Also, maybe up to a cup the next time I get down Boulder way?
    Let me know and I will get in touch.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Shallotte, NC - USA


    Well ... Darn! Sorry to hear that news, Brad. Do hope you keep posting so we all may gain from your experience; and just to stay in touch.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    DFW metroplex, TX USA


    Thanks, folks.

    John, I'll be giving my camper to my son, Evan, soon. In a neat passing of the torch, a bunch of Vietnam veterans are giving their retreat (http://camphamilton.org/camphamilton/Welcome.html) to Evan's group of post-911 veterans. He can store the camper there, use it when he's there, and I can use it in their side yard as my guest room when I visit.

    Byron, sounds great, but you'll need to move fast. I expect to be living in a TX Over-55 community in the near future.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    NE Gwinnett Co., GA


    Quote Originally Posted by oldfrat View Post
    I expect to be living in a TX Over-55 community in the near future.Brad
    Have you thought about the possibility of a float tube. You get down to Texas you are going to find what they call stock tanks full of fish that will take the kink out of your line. No slick rocks or current, muddy bottom and still water, flies with eyes large enough to put a line through on the first try. Getting access may be a challenge.
    Want to hear God laugh? Tell him Your plans!!!

  10. #10


    Best wishes for you, keep thinking about it and you'll come up with a way to fish some.

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