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Thread: Wading after surgery

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Dublin, NH

    Default Wading after surgery

    Okay, in two weeks I get my right hip replaced. Before I drive my brain out of my skull with worry, will I be able to wade, safely? I don't intend to do Class 4 rapids, will get a wading staff and will get the proper boots (that's a topic for another thread!). So, out there from the people I trust, what can I expect? As I say, I'm trying not to drive my poor wife crazy with my worry, she'll have enough on her own!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Ashburn, Virginia


    A guy I fish with had both hips replaced by 53. He gets around very well, although he won't go anywhere above his knees if it's flowing well; he also started using a folding staff and swears by it. Best of luck on the surgery and re-hab.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    SE MN Driftless


    I also fish with a buddy who has 2 hip replacements and he does fine. Mostly small streams around here, but he can hike a mile or so into a stretch, climb up and down banks, and wade our streams fine. I'm sure following your doctor's orders and being dedicated in your rehab efforts will help you get on stream as soon as possible.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by melk View Post
    Okay, in two weeks I get my right hip replaced. Before I drive my brain out of my skull with worry, will I be able to wade, safely? I don't intend to do Class 4 rapids, will get a wading staff and will get the proper boots (that's a topic for another thread!). So, out there from the people I trust, what can I expect? As I say, I'm trying not to drive my poor wife crazy with my worry, she'll have enough on her own!
    I hope you also trust the orthopedic surgeon who's going to do your surgery.

  5. #5
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    One of the main answers to your question is all about you----Do the required rehab and do it faithfully. If it hurts, too bad, do it. The pain will eventually stop and you should have great movement in your hip. Sit on your duff because 'it hurts' and you will limit yourself. So, do what the doctor and physical therapist say and you should be alright.

    Larry ---sagefisher---

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Las Cruces, NM


    All the old ladies that I play golf with have had hips, shoulders, and knees. Concensus is the hip is the easiest. You'll be fine, and just think, your poor old hip won't be collapsing on you anymore.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Shallotte, NC - USA


    Ah, yes, this aging process thing! Well, so far have not needed the hip surgery .... but for sure, I do not wade like I did so many years back. I try and think knee deep and try to avoid those real rocky places, especially the slippery ones! Once upon a time I might well have survived (in fact I have) one of those "slip, boom, ahhhh" ordeals - but the older one gets the harder we fall. Be careful.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Corona, California, Usa



    This April will be 5 years of having my left knee replaced. Best thing I ever did. I am pain free and was able to get back to a normal life. I hike, wade, mountain bike and work out at the gym 4 days a week. I agree with Larry 100%. Your effort in rehab will be your key to success. If you work hard and work through the pain your recovery should get you back to near 100%. All the people I know who had problems with their hip and knee replacements did not work hard in their rehab. Good luck, modern medicine is amazing.

    Last edited by Apachetrout; 03-11-2013 at 03:03 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2004



    I cannot answer your question, but, from those I have talked to that have had the surgery, your best advise from everyone here is this one:

    One of the main answers to your question is all about you----Do the required rehab and do it faithfully. If it hurts, too bad, do it. The pain will eventually stop and you should have great movement in your hip. Sit on your duff because 'it hurts' and you will limit yourself. So, do what the doctor and physical therapist say and you should be alright.

    Larry ---sagefisher---"
    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Dublin, NH


    First a BIG THANKS to you all. I've gotten over most of my angst, well as much as I can. I'm now concentrating my feeble brain on the future, how well I'll feel, what I'll be able to do, like tie my right shoe myself. Rest assured the PT aspect I know is the most important part. I had to do 8 weeks of rehab years ago after knee surgery so I know the benefits. Thanks you have really helped to get my brain in gear and ready. I had the preop thing today, get blood work done Thursday, have my date on the 25th. So..... onward to not limping!!

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