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Thread: It takes a lot of nerve and a whole bunch of stupidity...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    northern Michigan

    Default It takes a lot of nerve and a whole bunch of stupidity...

    Tuesday morning, while my wife and I were at my oncologist's appointment and our 19-year old daughter was at the vet's office with our Maine Coon Cat, three "meth-heads" decided what was mine should be their's, and they proceeded to make it so. Not only did they rip off my fly-tying vises, almost all of my fly rods, more electronic gear than I care to list and an old shotgun, they then decided to try and wreck everything that they couldn't carry! They broke the stained-glass inserts on a couple of cabinets, took a hammer or tire iron to my roll-top, dumped book shelves over and then finished it all with emptying boxes of hooks onto a carpeted floor. And, if that wasn't enough, they finished things with breaking out the glass in the porch and front doors.

    What in God's name gives someone the right to "violate" someone else's home? Forget the fact that I'm still trying to regain my footing after last year's battle with a third brain tumor. These @^%$#^&* didn't just rob the place... they DESTROYED it! And, what I really want to know is WHY??? For kicks? For meth supplies??? Somebody please help me make some sense of this, as my fishing buddies and I have been working non-stop over the last 48 hours to "right" the place again.

    As the title of this rant states, "It takes a lot of nerve and a whole bunch of stupidity" to do what they did. And, now I'm on the hook for it all because of the fact that my homeowner's insurance only pays for one such claim in a three or five-year period! Yes, we were hit once before within the last 30 months. It seems to happen a lot here on the river, as most of the places are empty during the winter months. That is, except ours...

    If you've guessed that I'm still PO'd, you're right... I guess that I just don't understand people these days as well as I once did...

    Sorry to go on and on. After finding getting my "full remission status," life was looking up again. Until Tuesday morning...

    Thanks for letting me vent, my friends... Jerry, aka hairwing530, aka "Captain Hooks" the PO'd

  2. #2
    NewTyer 1 Guest


    Sounds to me that someone has been watching your movements and it also sounds like young people because an older person would want to get in and out. As a kid, I did stupid stuff like this, not that I'm proud of it but, I would do some sort of damage, which leads me to the idea that it must be someone maybe late teens or so. I'm glad I saw the ere of my ways and have grown up over the years. Something like this is a selfless act and God will repay them somehow. I really am sorry that it happened to you. Seems like this type of stuff happens to the good people. If you need a rod to fish with, I can loan you my Orvis outfit. I wish there was something else I could do for you my friend. I forwarded your e-mail yesterday to my wife and she was very upset for you. I know you and Debbi and your daughter will recover but, you can never regain the safety that you had prior to these stupid acts of greed and violation, not knowing whether it will happen again. Does your house have an alarm that goes directly to a monitoring company? If you don't have one, it might be worth it to get one and it will lower your insurance by 10%-20%. I wish you all the luck my fried and hopefully they will be caught and get what they deserve.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Las Cruces, NM


    So sorry to hear this, Jerry, after things were looking up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    northern Michigan


    Hey Scott,

    Thanks for the offer on the Orvis outfit, but -7 isn't my kind of fishing weather. Late March? Maybe... Until this boatload of bad news, I'd been concentrating on filling hook boxes and tying a few myself. The tying will have to be put back on the "bucket list" until the house is fully back in shape and I've sorted out this mind-boggling pile of hooks. I'll be spending a lot of time with a sizing gauge in the days to come.

    As for the alarm idea? The house is "remote," as in it would take 20-30 minutes for a response, unless they happen to be in the neighborhood. That's not a likely scenario...

    Not to worry about these guys getting what they deserve. When the three retired "cops/fishing cronies" finish this-- and they WILL finish it --I'm willing to bet that the guys who were responsible for this will be wishing they'd picked another address. 'Nuff said about that.

    Again, Scott, thank you for the offer, but ice flows and wind chills below -15 just aren't my style these days. Besides, there still a lot of work to do INDOORS!!

    Be well, my friend, and thank you again... Jerry, aka hairwing530, aka "Captain Hooks"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002


    Jerry , sorry to hear that 's happened to you.
    PM sent.
    it's all good drifts

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    After reading what happened, I would be just as upset as you are, but, always remember and be aware that "things" ARE still looking up. You are still in remission and have been given a new lease on life. What the low life took and destroyed were just "things" which can be replaced, but, they did not take away your "remision" and new lease on life. They will get their punishment. I would check into another insurance company just to see if you could get better coverage. I think I would be more upset with the insurance company and be forced to have a "sit-down" discussion with the agent. If they expect you to pay for coverage each year then they should provide protection for you each time something like this happens. What they are doing does not make any sense to me. If your home is hit by 2 fires in one year, are they only going to provide coverge for one of them? You have paid a lot of money to them over the years and they should provide you with some sort of coverage and they need to understand that there are other insurance companies that would gladly have you for a customer. Put your insurance agent's feet to the fire and see what happens. I understand that a home in a very remote area can be "hit" often and insurance companies can write in protection for themselves, but, you are still paying them each year. Afterall, there are homes along low lying areas along some rivers that get flooded out each spring and the insurance companies still provide some sort of help and your insurance company should provide you with something. If not 100% recovery, as least something to help out.

    Above all else, keep your head held high and keep the Faith. Replace, over time, what has been stolen and destroyed and always remember that you are in remission, you still have your family and He will guide and protect you.
    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    neither here nor there


    Awww, Jerry! This just makes me sick of heart. I do agree with Warren, that the punks may have taken some of your stuff, they cannot take your remission! And goodness knows, there are many on this site with far too much stuff, and would be more than willing to send you what you need to get going again ... at least flyfishing/tying wise. I'm glad your daughter wasn't there alone.
    Vacuum up what you can of the hooks, use a magnet to get the rest of them up ... and throw them away! Tell me what you use, and I'll gladly send you a box of each of the numbers! Someone surely has a spare vise laying around collecting dust .... who'll step up? What else do you need? Some rods? What size?
    Someone be watching ebay ... local flyshops ... pawn shops. Some of the equipment (fishing and electronic) are bound to show up.
    Rejoice in your remission! Rejoice that no one was hurt! Rejoice that it was "only " stuff!
    Trouts don't live in ugly places.

    A friend is not who knows you the longest, but the one who came and never left your side.

    Don't look back, we ain't goin' that way.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    northern Michigan


    Betty & WarrenP,

    You are exactly right! Over my 15-year battle against the beast known as cancer, I've watch the treatments and technology grow in quantum leaps and bounds. I'm living proof of that, as my original prognosis when I was diagnosed at 44 years young was 24-30 months... max! Yet, here I sit, cancer free and still drawing breath, some 12.5 years after I was supposed to be taking my leave, if you will. And, that in itself, is a true blessing...

    There have been other blessings as well. My second brain tumor robbed me of my eyesight from late 2004 until late 2009, a condition-- being blind --that couldn't be corrected. Then, two very talented and brave surgeons spent over 12 hours doing what all others said couldn't be done-- they gave me back my sight! When the wrappings came off and my eyes finally adjusted, it truly was one of those "WOW" moments...

    And, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the unwavering support of my family and friends, some near and many so far away. They-- and everybody here --have always been there for me, no matter the odds, and no matter the costs. I can't thank my brethren at FAOL enough. The fly fishing community as a whole is a fine example of kindness, generousity and strength of spirit, and as protective as a mother griz with cubs. Again, thank you for letting me into your hearts...

    Well, back to the hook sorting. There is an expansive pile on the table right now, and it may be a few days before my "crew" and me get them all sorted out.

    May the Good Lord forever bless you all with tight lines, and friends to share a favorite with... You're welcome on my stretch of the water anytime... Jerry, aka hairwing530, aka "Captain Hooks"

  9. #9


    Jerry--Fortunately your daughter or anyone else in the family was not at home to be in the middle of this sorry mess. At least you and your family didn't receive the same thing your possessions received. Good luck to you and I hope they find the suckers.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Kapaa, hawaii
    Blog Entries


    I cannot imagine how you must feel. I would be so mad that I would dedicate my life to finding the culprit (s) and seeing that they were punished accordingly. You are a better man than I, so that is great for you.

    A fellow on Craig's list did not follow through on a purchase I made from him. I sent him the funds and did not receive the item. I have my lawyer son pursuing him.

    You are a hero Jerry!!!

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