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Thread: BBC Radio said...

  1. #1
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    Default BBC Radio said...

    that the US spent about 2.5 billion USD (US dollars) on the presidential campaign and about 6 billion USD if the campaigns for the Senate and House of Reps is included. They also reported that the US will have spent about 7 billion USD on potato chips and about 8 billion USD on Halloween.
    I have to wonder how much the fashionistas spent on hair feathers.


  2. #2
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    NE Gwinnett Co., GA


    Quote Originally Posted by EdD View Post
    I have to wonder how much the fashionistas spent on hair feathers. Regards, Ed
    Just enough to upset lots of fly tyers and run the price of feathers up nicely for the suppliers. I admire that Denny, for one, resisted the temptation to sell much of his stock to the fashion focused consumers. I hope it proves to be a great long term business decision. I love a story where the good guys win.
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  3. #3


    I 2nd that about Denny,sometimes business decisions are not made on a quick buck.

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    To hijack my own thread, Denney's JV Rooster (a.k.a. cockerel) is excellent for giving a fairly stiff soft hackle which won't necessarily float your fly, but will create a wet with hackle stiff enough to move and disturb that water around it. It is now my first choice for the Invictas I've been tying. I think it would be very good for wets which need to be tied sparsely but still provide some resistance to the current. Which reminds me that I need to order some more.

    Denny how are your set for JV capes?


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    When I first started to process & sell the JV rooster, (26 weeks of age) the late Al Campbell got some and felt they were the best on many flies he tied. The same stem, same high barb count. The capes run sub grade #2 and the saddles sub grade #3.
    I presently have only a couple browns. They do sell almost as fast as I can process them. $40 for both a cape & saddle, not a bad investment. Some will also tie down to 28/32, or so my customers tell me, 22 is as small as I tie, so I have to go with what I am told.


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    Denny, I took one of your JV roosters into a local fly shop and thought I was going to have to fight to get it back. They really are good for wet flies.


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    My wife has an elderly aunt who keeps a bunch of banties as we call them is MS, I'm thinking I should butter her up and see if I can inherit the rooster and a couple of hens. Hackle on the hoof.
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    That's sounds like a good idea. Bermuda grass down there really loves chicken "organic matter". With enough rain, you could be mowing your lawn two, maybe three times a week. ...all summer... ... and fall... Don't forget to overseed some rye for the winter. Mowing the lawn on Christmas week is one of the Southern traditions which I can personally do without, but I've done it... And next year, you might be doing it, because the chickens were "doing it"...
    (Denny's hackle really is very nice and the chicken droppings stay 2,000 miles away, although he might send you a few tons if you pay the S&H...)


  9. #9
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    That was just wishing out loud, there are a couple of cats around here that would probably make short work of the bantie. They are the only reason I haven't gotten a couple of bobwhite pairs and turned them loose just so I could here them call in the evening. We have an occasional whippoorwill in the neighborhood.

    Just so you'll know, I have cleaned out a chicken house to spread the by product on the garden when I was a kid. Maybe the worse job of my life.
    Last edited by Uncle Jesse; 01-02-2013 at 07:20 PM.
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