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Thread: Furled leaders

  1. #1

    Default Furled leaders

    I'm tying some furled leaders on mono and fluoro. Y enjoy to do it and I like how they work. Do you use them guys? What do you think about them?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    I am one of the few on here that you will meet who does not like furled leaders. I know a lot of folks swear by them but I swear at them. I know it is a matter of perceptionbut they just "feel" sloppy to me and I don't like the way my presentations lay out with them. You might like the plain old low memory mono you find in the spin fish section of a big box retailer just as much or maybe not. To each their own.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lakeland, FL USA


    On the other hand, I'm one the guys that really like them. I feel that they turn my fly over more easily and make casting easier. One caviet I will add though is that I mainly fish with weighted, subsurface flies. I would recommend you try one and see what you think.

    Jim Smith

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Elida, Ohio


    Put me in the like camp. I make all my own lurled leaders from mono, flouro and polyester thread. The thread leaders are all that I use for dry fly fishing. The fly turns over and lands on the water like a natural. If you want to try a couple, shoot me a PM and I will get a couple in the mail.

    "A woman drove me to drink and I didn't even have the decency to thank her."
    -W.C. Fields

  5. #5


    Thanks Brad. Sent you a PM


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    NE Gwinnett Co., GA


    John Scott sent me a thread furled leader two or three years ago, I have used it ever since primarily for dry flies on my 3 wt. I clean it occasionally and have put floatant on it a few time, I am not sure the floatant affects my ability to catch fish with it or not. I can live with mono leaders but prefer the furled version.
    Want to hear God laugh? Tell him Your plans!!!

  7. #7


    I make them as well. I guess mine are all over the globe these days. I have caught hundreds of Carp this year all on one thread leader. Night thing about the thread, you can put floatant on them to fish dries, or just squish it underwater and it becomes a great Nymph/streamer line. However, thread will freeze to rocks in the winter, so that is when I switch to a special mono I use. I am not one that believes in a Fluorocarbon leader. Finding fluoro small enough to make a nice soft leader is limited, plus costy. I swear by fluorocarbon however. I just choose to use a 5' thread or mono leader with 3' to 5' of fluoro tippet. Works for me.

  8. #8


    Also a like from this side of the Atlantic. Mine are all over Holland these days. Might try the fluoro tippet way, don't like the fluoro furled leaders i made, too stiff.


  9. #9


    I to make my own leaders, which are being used around the states thus far. I have some fluoro that is very small and suple in ccomparison to others on the market, but I prefer thread leaders and a mixed combination on the others. The greatest thing about furled leaders is how adaptable they are.

    Tight Lines,


  10. #10


    I failed to mention how much I like them and won't use anything else for the last seven years, as they are versatile and adapt very well.


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