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Thread: Did I do right?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Mojave Desert CA

    Default Did I do right?

    Coming home from Bishop Friday we stopped at the wier dam on Big Pine creek North of that town. As Mike was parking the truck I spied a spinning rod leaning against a big rock. There were no vehicles parked there and no one around. This was a rather old and well used 6' pole with what appeared to be a brand new Pflueger Trion GX reel attached. No hook but a few split shots on the line. I told Mike someone was going to be upset when they got to the next fishing spot and couldn't find their outfit. He agreed. We talked about what we should do and decided to leave it leaning where it was. Maybe they'd come back for it. Maybe someone else would come along and take it. I don't know. I hope it gets back to it's owner. Jim
    I'm either going to, coming from or thinking about fishing. Jim

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    I have found two rods that had been left like that. The first one I left thinking the owner would return for it and find it still there. The second I took and left a note that it had been found and left my phone number for them to call and claim it after identifying it. Don't know if the first one was ever found by the rightful owner. The second was claimed three days after I found it.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    NE Gwinnett Co., GA


    Quote Originally Posted by ELKHUNTER View Post
    I have found two rods that had been left like that. The first one I left thinking the owner would return for it and find it still there. The second I took and left a note that it had been found and left my phone number for them to call and claim it after identifying it. Don't know if the first one was ever found by the rightful owner. The second was claimed three days after I found it. Rocky
    I hope I remember to think of doing that if I ever find a rod. I have found pieces of rods but never a complete rod. I tend to close complete rods.
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