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Thread: Fishing two nymphs in tandem

  1. #1

    Default Fishing two nymphs in tandem

    What is your favorite 2 nymph tandem set up?

    1) What 2 nymphs and sizes to you prefer?
    2) Weighted or unweighted (one of each?)
    3) Which to you place as furthest? nearest?
    4) How far apart to you place them
    5) favorite connection technique between the two nymphs
    6) answers to any other question I should have asked *grin*

    Peter F

    Peter F

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Vermont for now


    I like to copper john the bottom and them a wet fly the top to dance in the current.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rochester, Kent, England


    Only two nymphs? I quite often use 3 with the set up below.

    Black PTN with a mole thorax on the top dropper, GHRE Nymph on point gets my vote.

    Dropper connection: New Zealand style through the eye using uni-knots to connect flies to the leader.

    Anything from 12 inches to 4 feet between flies depending on depth of water, still/running, speed of retrieve (if any) and where the fish seem to be feeding.


    [This message has been edited by Fluke (edited 03 May 2006).]

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Redding, Ca, USA


    I like a size 16 bhprince on top follwed by a size 18 micro mayfly. I tie off the bend of the top fly about 10".

    Born to fish forced to work.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Auckland, New Zealand



    I'll often tie a weighted size 10 hare and copper and connect "truck and trailer" to it a size 16 pheasant tail. Truck and trailer connection is just where you tie the 2nd fly to the bend of the hook of the first fly.

    - Jeff
    Am fear a chailleas a chanain caillidh e a shaoghal. -

    He who loses his language loses his world.

  6. #6


    glo bug first then a trailing #12 beadhead pheasant tail nymph...thats all I fish!

  7. #7


    size 8-12 bh woolly bugger, drop a size 16 PT, GRHE, sometimes a soft-hackle GRHE, and sometimes a green weenie/red hot as the 2nd fly.

    of course, it depends on water depth, velocity, and what the fish happen to be keying in on.


  8. #8


    Peter, I like to use a size 12, or 14 bead head prince, or GRHE on the end of the leader. The I'll tie off the hook bend a zebra midge, serndipty caddis, or sparkle pupa, in sizes 16-22.


  9. #9


    Depends what's hatching or due to hatch.
    The man who coined the phrase "Money can't buy happiness", never bought himself a good fly rod!

  10. #10


    A hot wire tungsten BH prince 14 at the end of the leader, and 12" above it a 16 hare's ear or soft hackle ear with no weight using a 2" dropper loop.

    I'll try it this weekend, and report back on how it does.

    When striper surf fishing, I use a heavy lure to get to the bottom and a unweighted streamer on a dropper loop. Most stripers hit the streamer swimming a foot off the bottom. The dropper loop lets the streamer dance in the current. This nympth duo will be the same thing, only much smaller!!

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