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Thread: Hairwig 530 Benefit

  1. #1
    NewTyer 1 Guest

    Default Hairwig 530 Benefit

    What would you all think about having a benefit for hairwig, in order to help pay for some of his cancer treatment bills? What we could do is place up some items for sale, keeping in mind that it is for a benefit so, retail prices would be out. The items would be bought by members of FAOL and all proceeds go to a paypal account or some form of payment directly to Jerry. Details could be worked out amongst us.

    I have a few items I would be willing to put up to start this benefit.

    1. Eagle Claw 2pc. 5/6wt. cherry reel seat "Featherweight" I think it is 7.5 or 8' long-NEW
    2. Eagle Claw 4pc. 5/6wt spin/fly rod 8'-NEW
    3. Phflueger Medalist 1494-1/2
    3. Old SA reel with line
    4. Alum. rod tube and new sock
    I'm sure I have more stuff laying around not being used. If there is any interest in doing this, I will move my post to the FS section and put it under a benefits post or something. What do you think Administrators? Is this doable?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Las Cruces, NM


    I'm in - have been trying to think of something to allow Jerry to keep his stuff - this could work!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    northern Michigan


    NewTyer 1 & Herefishy,
    You guys are fine examples of the awesome folks who frequent FAOL! That said, you really don't have to do something like this. Sure, my latest bout with brain cancer is rapidly destroying both my finances and my pysche. But, there are plenty of people out there who need help, most who go unnoticed. All I ask from anyone is to either purchase something offered for sale or to send me their best wishes, good thoughts... and prayers. Always prayers...

    You see, this isn't my first dance with the cancer beast, and may not be my last. But, I've managed to survive the brain-cancer issue for more than 14 years now, due in no small part to a great family-- "my girls" --some outstanding fly-fishing cronies, and the best oncology team in the world!

    And, I do mean "best" with my oncology/surgical team. My second brain tumor robbed me of my eyesight completely in 2004, and I spent the next five years in darkness. Late in 2009, however, two very gifted surgeons spent 12 hours performing miracles AND sight-restoration surgery. Later this year, I'll celebrate three years back among the "sighted" community, appreciating how much of a God-given gift the sense of "sight" really is.

    At it stands, I'm fully aware that much of my fly-fishing, fly-tying stuff may have to go just to keep the wolves outside the door rather than crashing through it. However, when all is said and done, I fully intend to still be standing! Cancer hasn't been able to take me down yet! My Scot/Irish/English heritage and disposition wouldn't have it any other way...

    Thanks for thinking of me, my friends...

    Jerry, aka "hairwing530" --the "cancer-comeback fisher of flies..."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Las Cruces, NM


    Jerry, hope you beat this one like you have the last. Just would like for you to be able to keep fishing and tying when you recover.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    northern Michigan



    Me, too, my friend... me, too. But, it may not be within the realm of possibilities for yours truly. Since the 1999 onset of my first tumor-- and in the years following with subsequent tumors, including the current one --cancer has gutted me in ways I never imagined it would. Retirement fund? On life-support and failing fast. Savings? What's that?? The cash loss is like a river overflowing the best dam ever built.

    If the cancer wasn't/isn't bad enough, you can throw in the house fire in 2006 and the loss of two of our daughters ('07 and 2010), and you can see why the road gets nigh onto impassable... and impossible to navigate, at times.

    Through it all, however, I have bent but NOT broken, either physically or emotionally. There are days, though... there are days...

    So, I guess in the final analysis, if you guys decide to put something together to help out, I can guarantee you that it will be forever appreciated. I've long since passed the day when I refused an assist by letting my pride get in the way...

    Tight lines... Jerry, aka hairwing530

  6. #6


    Hang in there my friend and may the Trout Gods be with you. Peace and you have my prayers. Michael J.

  7. #7


    New Tyer....what do we think of your idea? I think it is a very good one. I am surprised more have not chimed in already. Count me in if your keeping count....
    I already have two of your offerings for sale....and the money going straight to Jerry. Very very good gesture....that seems an inadequate word. Anywhooo....it's splendid of you Mr. New Tyer to step up like this. Hat's off to you.

  8. #8
    NewTyer 1 Guest


    I only wish I had the means to help everyone in need. I have learned a great deal from this site and have met some great people. It's the least I could offer. As items come up, I will post them. I have had to sell a lot of my stuff over the years and know how much it hurts and the regret one feels and I would like to see Jerry enjoy tying a little longer, until he just can't do it any longer. Maybe he will tie one one of those beautiful dressed Salmon flies. Hint, Hint Jerry

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    northern Michigan


    Hint taken and put on the proverbial "bucket list," NewTyer 1. You might have to wait a bit, but the end result will be well worth it... Jerry, aka hairwing530

  10. #10
    NewTyer 1 Guest


    Neither one of us are going anywhere so, there's no hurry

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