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Thread: Poems About Loss of Dogs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    New York

    Default Poems About Loss of Dogs

    I didn't mean to hijack another thread so allow me to start a different one here. For those of you who've enjoyed and then been heartbroken with the loss of a companion dog, do you have a favorite poem or story about 'loss'? Care to share?

    Warning - This thread may be dangerous to your keypad. Have tissues at the ready.

    Last edited by Allan; 03-31-2012 at 11:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Far West Ky



    The Rainbow Bridge, the best I've found.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    ,Yosemite region


    If dogs don't go to haven when they die, I want to go wherever they do...

    I believe this was from Roy Rogers

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    New York


    There are many excellent poems/stories about this at the 'rainbowbridge'. You can only read so many, or often just one, before your eyes go misty.

    One I especially like,

    " Dogs In Heaven?An old man and his dog were walking down this dirt road with fences on both sides, they came to a gate in the fence and looked in, it was nice grassy, woody areas, just what a 'huntin' dog and man would like, but, it had a sign saying 'no trespassing' so they walked on. They came to a beautiful gate with a person in white robes standing there. "Welcome to Heaven" he said. The old man was happy and started in with his dog following him. The gatekeeper stopped him. "Dogs aren't allowed, I'm sorry but he can't come with you."

    "What kind of Heaven won't allow dogs? If he can't come in, then I will stay out with him. He's been my faithful companion all his life, I can't desert him now."

    "Suit yourself, but I have to warn you, the Devil's on this road and he'll try to sweet talk you into his area, he'll promise you anything, but the dog can't go there either. If you won't leave the dog, you'll spend Eternity on this road."

    So the old man and dog went on. They came to a rundown fence with a gap in it, no gate, just a hole. Another old man was inside. "S'cuse me Sir, my dog and I are getting mighty tired, mind if we come in and sit in the shade for awhile?"

    "Of course, there's some cold water under that tree over there. Make yourselves comfortable"

    "You're sure my dog can come in? The man down the road said dogs weren't allowed anywhere."

    "Would you come in if you had to leave the dog?"

    "No sir, that's why I didn't go to Heaven, he said the dog couldn't come in.
    We'll be spending Eternity on this road, and a glass of cold water and some shade would be mighty fine right about now. But, I won't come in if my buddy here can't come too, and that's final."

    The man smiled a big smile and said "Welcome to Heaven."

    "You mean this is Heaven? Dogs ARE allowed? How come that fellow down the road said they weren't?"

    "That was the Devil and he gets all the people who are willing to give up a life long companion for a comfortable place to stay. They soon find out their mistake, but then it's too late. The dogs come here, the fickle people stay there. GOD wouldn't allow dogs to be banned from Heaven. After all, HE created them to be man's companions in life, why would he separate them in death?"

    Author Unknown"


  5. #5


    Her name was Holly and I was allowed to be owned by her at a time in my life when I sorely needed a friend. I worked for a bird dog trainer at the time and she was a prospect and he had great hopes of her being his next champion. She was the daughter of two shooting dog champs and I could only dream of owning a dog like her someday. I was always finding a reason to swing by her kennel just to freshen her water or spend a few minutes stroking her silky ears and gazing in her eyes. We connected and I actually experienced something akin to love sickness when I left her for the day.

    One day Jim the owner asked to speak to me before I left for the day and when we sat down he told me that he wanted me to have something to thank me for my dedication to the kennel and the training program. We walked out to the kennels and he he told me to leash up Holly and take her home. I was scared he was playing a joke on me but he said that there will always be one person that can get the best out of a dog and he had been watching how we had bonded and he knew that I was the perfect owner for Holly.

    Holly and I spent the next several years working together hunting and the day our union ended nearly killed me. I still compare every dog to her unfairly because she will always be my number one. Hold them till I get there girl...I'm coming.
    Last edited by Hookedintheear; 03-31-2012 at 10:09 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Lehigh River,Delaware River{upper,middle}Salmon River NY,Niagara River NY,Cattaraugurus Creek NY


    Thanks for these stories , I am cryin now as i type this, all i can say is that a dog or for some a pet of some kind is the best friend a person can have ..you can come home an have had a bad or lousy day be grumpy an usually they will be there to greet you, if you feel sick..they know it an will try to cuddle or comfort you, need someone to listen they are all ears, I have two boxers an they are my kids, i come home they give me a welcome each an every day sometimes multiple times a day if i had to go out for a bit an come home ..well their welcome is so full of life an energy i can not describe how they change my mood.since I never had any children to this point they are my kids.
    I cannot for the life of me fathom how some folks can desert or hurt or abuse thier animals> My dogs have made me a better person, and i love them both when they go i will be crushed for neither can be replaced they are their own original being. I dread even thinking of this moment it seems that life is way too short for our four legged friends i would gladly give a few years of mine so i could give them a few more years..they deserve it. I love you Madison { Maddie}my sweetpea and I love you Titan my sweet boy.
    Tight Wraps & Tight Lines
    Rick Wallace
    Last edited by lonewolve; 03-31-2012 at 11:09 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Lancaster, PA


    Man, my pup is now 15 years old, gray in the face, slow in pace, cloudy in the eyes...I can't read this thread. That day will come way too soon. She is a fine old dog.
    A right emblem it may be, of the uncertain things of this world; that when men have sold them selves for them, they vanish into smoke. ~ William Bradford
    I finally realized that Life is a metaphor for Fly Fishing.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    NE Gwinnett Co., GA


    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Molcsan View Post
    If dogs don't go to haven when they die, I want to go wherever they do... I believe this was from Roy Rogers
    Steve, I believe you are old enough to remember Roy Rogers and his dog Bullet but probably not Will Rogers, who I believe is responsible for the quotation. I don't remember Will Rogers either other than ooold film clips.
    Want to hear God laugh? Tell him Your plans!!!

  9. #9


    Dog's Last Will and Testament

    Before humans die, they write their last Will and Testament, give their home and all they have, to those they leave behind.
    If with my paws, I could do the same,
    this is what I'd ask...

    To a poor and lonely stray I'd give:

    My happy home.
    My bowl and cozy bed, soft pillows, and all my toys.
    The lap, which I loved so much.
    The hand that stroked my fur and the sweet voice which spoke my name.

    I'd will to the sad, scared shelter dog, the place I had in my human's loving heart, of which there seemed no bounds.

    So, when I die, please do not say, "I will never have a pet again, for the loss and pain is more than I can stand."
    Instead, go find an unloved dog, one whose life has held no joy or hope and give my place to him.

    This is the only thing I can give...
    The love I left behind.

    Author Unknown
    Last edited by Fishing Jill; 04-01-2012 at 02:36 AM.
    "I often do not start fishing until the cool of the evening..."
    Norman Maclean: A River Runs Through It

  10. #10


    Folks, all I can say is, ''Why can't people be as loyal to their pets and other people, as their pets are to them. May God bless all the Pets in our world, John.

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