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Thread: SHED 12 LBS IN JUST...................one year:)

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    SE Iowa
    Blog Entries


    Any of you bikers ever do RAGBRAI..absolutely the coolest thing - at least in its "earlier" days. I did it 11 times.. used to ride a couple thousand miles a year. Kind of seems like a whole lifetime ago. I have three bikes... I even think I know where one of them is.
    "Flyfishing is not a religion. You can make up your own rules as you go.".. Jim Hatch.. 2/27/'06

  2. #12


    I bike to work when the weather and sunlight permit. I won't ride in the dark, so most of the winter, I stay off the bike. I only have about a 15 mile round trip, but it is enough that I can eat pretty much whatever I want during my riding season without gaining any weight. I always add a couple of pounds during the winter when I can ride and have to find other ways to exercise that aren't as much fun.

    Biking is a great exercise since it is low impact (assuming you don't fall) and burns lots of calories. I used to enjoy running, but my knees can't take it any more and I need to save them for fishing.


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    West Tennessee


    I have some friends that do RAGBRAI and they say it's fun and I'm sure it is. But a whole week sounds a bit much to me. No way I can take that much time from work with all the other things that take me from work. I could see a long weekend. Plus I'm just not into the drinking scene any more. My friend that does it and I are going opposite directions. Back in the day that would be me but not him. But not now for me. He seems to like that now and that is fine.
    Good fishing technique trumps all.....wish I had it.

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    I totally understand Wulff... it's a commitment.. but there's waaay more to it than drinking. In fact - there's almost two completely diffrent rides - the "morning" crowd (beautiful scenery, great food, laid-back) and the "afternoon" crowd - usually the younger crowd who can ride hard, party hard and do it all on the same day.

    Actually a bit like fly fishing when you think about it.

    One thing that always amazed me.. I did it in its entirety 11 times and parts of it several others. I saw *0ne* fight in all that time and it was between two locals. Great folks.

    anyway... it was finally just the crowds - and everyone trying to gouge you for a buck (or ten) that finally took the fun out of it for me.
    Last edited by HideHunter; 03-23-2012 at 01:29 PM.
    "Flyfishing is not a religion. You can make up your own rules as you go.".. Jim Hatch.. 2/27/'06

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    neither here nor there


    Hey! BBW!! I found it for you!! It's attached itself to me!!
    Trouts don't live in ugly places.

    A friend is not who knows you the longest, but the one who came and never left your side.

    Don't look back, we ain't goin' that way.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Lake In The Hills. IL USA


    Once more "patting myself on the back", and despite the aforementioned "rich" culinary environment, I stepped ascale at 209# this AM. I now don't have to inhale and hold my breath to button my 36" pants.
    I wish all of you that are striving, equally good luck .

    PS: Hey Betty, unless since I've seen you last, youve been all Pizza and malteds, you've always looked JUST FINE.

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Nashville, TN. USA
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    PS: Hey Betty, unless since I've seen you last, youve been all Pizza and malteds, you've always looked JUST FINE.
    I'll second that with a hearty endorsement.


  8. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    West Tennessee


    219lbs yesterday. Was 234 last year. Spread over 6'1", that's not too bad but my "ideal weight" should be like 180? That's a long ways off and I doubt I get there.....or even try. 215 was my initial goal. 210 would be great.
    Good fishing technique trumps all.....wish I had it.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    fremont, ca


    Wulff, at 6'1" an ideal weight of 180 would be right if you are 25 but as we get older that "ideal weight" can change. Also those charts were written in the 60's and only slightly revised for the new better nutrition available today. People simply are stronger and bigger these days. Have had this talk with more than 1 Dr and they agree, I am 50 and at 6'1" they put my ideal weight more at 195. I would be very happy with 200 am a little high right now at 215.

    Bicycle riding works...I know I have at least 6 of them...wonder where they are?

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Detroit Michigan (Royal Oak)


    I'll jump in on the weight lose band wagon here because I've been trying to lose weight as well recently. I am in fact on a "crash diet" currently, but that's because I was at a very unhealthy weight and needed to lose the first good bit pretty fast just to get in a bit healthier place so that I can start doing it gradually. I'm 6'6" and 32 days ago I weighed 390lbs. I went on a major diet and changed my eating habits to 950 calories per day, walking 1 mile every other day, doing some weight lifting and cut out anything unhealthy from my diet as well as only drinking water and one diet pepsi per day. I'm currently 359lbs now so I've dropped 31 lbs in 32 days. once I get down to about 300lbs then I will start doing it more gradually from that point. My target goal is about 230-245lb range because with being 6'6" that's the weight were I look & feel best.


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