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Thread: Man I am frustrated!

  1. #11
    NewTyer 1 Guest


    As you make your backcast, you should feel the rod load at the end of the line unfolding. At that point, start your forward cast.

  2. #12


    Also make sure your rod guides are lined up. Those are the little metal loops on the rod that the line is threaded through. You need to connect your rod so that they are in a straight line.

    I'm glad you asked your question. The next time someone tells me they are learning to fly cast I'll remember your difficulty and give them the tip.
    "I often do not start fishing until the cool of the evening..."
    Norman Maclean: A River Runs Through It

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lakeland, FL USA



    If you are using a weight forward line, make sure that you loaded it on the reel correctly. The front section (10-12 feet) of the line is thicker and therfore heavier than the remainder of the line. To check this out, strip some line off of the reel and you will be able to see it get thicker and then taper down to a thinner line. If your line is the same thickness, then you have it loaded on the reel backwards, making it very difficult to cast. Just one other possibility.

    Jim Smith

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Louisville, KY



    Check your private messages. I'm in Louisville and those Wednesday night meetings are not the only time to get connected with Derby City, either formally or informally. I'll send you some contact information and we'll figure out a way to get you some assistance. Hang in there, it'll get much easier!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Littleton, Colorado
    Blog Entries


    Quote Originally Posted by Hookedintheear View Post
    Well I am embarrased and feel quite stupid. Thanks ...I guess.
    Any one of these guys can tell you better than I can how to cast, but don't feel stupid. Your assumptions are quite normal and natural. I have been at this for several years and can't cast, but I have a heck of a lot of fun.

    Some fly shops have free casting lessons. Bass Pro Shop holds free sessions most Saturdays. There are lots of places to get free or low cost lessons for the basics. Check community college catalogs, too.

    Be careful how you live. You may be the only Bible some person ever reads.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Sedro Woolley, Washington, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by Hookedintheear View Post
    Well I am embarrased and feel quite stupid. Thanks ...I guess.
    As you likely can tell from my 1st post I am not much of a teacher and I surely do not want you to feel stupid. As others have said everything takes time to learn. Watch some videos, do a bit of reading, and if possible have someone help you learn how to cast. It really is a lot of fun. Although be forewarned if you take a liking to casting and fly fishing you maybe doomed to spending all of your spare time and money on it.
    "The reason you have a good vision is you're standing on the shoulders of giants." ~ Andy Batcho

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2002
    DFW metroplex, TX USA


    Wow, Hooked! I can imagine how frustrated you must have felt from that experience! I'm glad you posted here instead of just walking away from the sport. there are lots of folks here who will be happy to help you along the way to becoming a successful and non-frustrated fly fisher. I know that for a fact as this is where I came with all of my newbies questions as I was learning.

    I developed along the say to write an instructional fly fishing book written from the perspective of someone learning the sport. I had a lot of help from folks on this board as I did that. But I had a bunch of significant things happen in my life along the way so it took a while to get the manuscript completed. Meanwhile, the amount of info available on the Net for people like you grew incredibly. In the end, I reluctantly decided not to try to get this book illustrated, published and sold.

    But, the manuscript still exists and I'm going to show you the casting part of it. I'll start a new Casting Basics thread to do this. LadyFisher, this thread is available to the board for free if you want it. Indeed, the whole manuscript is available to you if you want it. And, for the rest of you, please feel free to add to or edit this thread any way you feel will improve it --or to delete it if you think it will get anybody off to a bad start.

  8. #18


    I thank you all for the replies,PM's and such. I have read several books before I bought my gear and NONE of the ones I have mention starting with several feet of line before casting. It makes sense now because I understand the fly or in my case the poppers I was using isn't helping propel anything. Hopefully things will come together soon.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Rolla, Missouri


    Hoked, you'll do fine, just stick with it. If I can learn on my own ANYONE can....and I was only 14 at the time!!!!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Lancaster, PA


    When I saw your post I did a quick search to find a video or resource that explains it well and I was frustrated to find that nearly everything that came up skipped right past that point. I know the info is out there, but I didn't expect to have to dig very hard to find it.
    A right emblem it may be, of the uncertain things of this world; that when men have sold them selves for them, they vanish into smoke. ~ William Bradford
    I finally realized that Life is a metaphor for Fly Fishing.

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