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Thread: additional questions on fluoro and knots

  1. #1

    Default additional questions on fluoro and knots

    I was trying to get some information on fluoro vs mono leader and tippet. I searched through the archives and found some really good stuff. Thanks. Most of the posters remarking on the fluoro were saying that though they recommended the fluoro, one had to be more careful knotting tippet or flies. As one person stated, "...It is more abrasion resistant as well as far as I have seen. You do have to pay attention when you tie your knots, as the fluoro can be less forgiving to a poorly tied knot."

    In another post, someone said he used a surgeon's knot to connect a mono leader to fluoro tippet. (I think he mentioned using a 7x on 6x leader) He was asking why his tippet kept breaking off (most suggested that the 7x was too light)...

    My question is: If you're using 6x fluoro tippet on a 5x mono leader, will using a surgeon's knot be enough? How can I ensure it doesn't break off?

    Also a lot of people were suggesting that quality is extremely important, and suggested both the Seaguar Grand Max and Frog?s Hair. However, I got the Rio Fluoroflex plus. I didn't read anything about it being good (or bad). Should I take it back? At the fly shop, saw the Frog Hair, but not the Seaguar. Is Seaguar harder to come by?

    There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics -- Mark Twain

  2. #2
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    The Rio should work fine. I use a loop-to-loop for the tippet piece, and it works reasonably well. The knotting problem is not an issue if you tie knots CAREFULLY, as you should anyway. Wet the knot before pulling tight, and pull slowly. Heat buildup from friction is what kills knots in fluoro.

    As for brand preference, people like what they like, and no amount of data will alter some people's minds. You will find one that you like, and that will be good enough.


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