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Thread: A double haul (for Rookie)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Kuujjuaq, Quebec

    Default A double haul (for Rookie)

    OK Duck, ... we won't hijack the other thread, ... (wouldn't want to become a Pirate ) ...

    Rookie, ... start here: [url=http://www.flyanglersonline.com/features/readerscast/rc153.html:74f1a]http://www.flyanglersonline.com/features/readerscast/rc153.html[/url:74f1a]

    Ask away, ... we've ALL been there.

    Christopher Chin, Jonquiere Quebec
    [url=http://flyanglersonline.com/travel/quebec06fishin/:74f1a]2006 FishIn Ste-Marguerite River[/url:74f1a]
    [url=http://pages.videotron.com/fcch/:74f1a]Fishing the Ste-Marguerite[/url:74f1a]
    Christopher Chin

  2. #2


    Thanks fcch,

    I believe I get a very clear picture of the cast. From what I am reading, it seems the writers are saying, "A double haul, cast properly leads to the perfect cast in all respects. If I am correct in what I am understanding, should this not be something practiced as soon as feasible?


  3. #3


    Hey rookie

    The double-haul is definitely a technique you will want to add to your arsenal of casts. It increases line speed, thus allowing for tighter loops and more line control. You can use it for reaching far lies as well as nailing casts under overhanging limbs.

    Try incorporating this technique as soon as you have become comfortable with the basic overhead cast. As your line speed increases so will your need for more accurate timing, so try starting with short "hauls."

    Good luck

  4. #4


    Hi Bugsy,

    Thanks for the advise as always. This will be a back yard practice for quite awhile I imagine.


  5. #5



    JC and LF tried to teach me to double haul and I just couldn't get it. About 3 years later I was attempting to show someone the hand movement without a rod in my hand and thought to myself "This is really pretty easy, maybe you should try it with a rod".

    The next time out I tried to double haul with a short haul at first. It really was easy, I just had to convince myself of that.
    Now I just can't seem top cast without at least a short haul.

    Hope you come to the realization before I did.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Millersburg, MI, USA


    JC wrote an excellent article on the double haul a while back. I've searched but can't find it. I hope someone more adept at searching than I, will find and post it.
    HOLD ON! Tried again. It's from his June 18, 2001 article. Go to his current article, go to the archived pieces, then go back to that article. Should help you very much.

    Name indicates where I fish and for what I fish.
    Name notes where I fish and for what I fish.

  7. #7


    Like Ron said...I also had JC and LF show me how to fo the double haul. Its slowly getting better for me. I still need to work on it a lot, but each time out I am noticing improvement. I have really noticed a lot better line control when I do pull off a decent double haul, so once I really get the hang of it, my casting should be better.

    Here's the link to JC article on the DH: [url=http://www.flyanglersonline.com/cst/cst061801.html:976e8]http://www.flyanglersonline.com/cst/cst061801.html[/url:976e8]

    Take care everyone and cya around. Mark
    Take care and cya around,


  8. #8


    Someone told me (I have forgotten who it was), that it only takes twenty minutes to learn how to fish, but a lifetime to master!

    There is a whole [url=http://www.flyanglersonline.com/features/casting/archive.html:84a93]"Casting Practice Seminar"[/url:84a93] on FAOL. Start there.

    Learn the "Standard Cast", then the "Roll Cast". After you have those two cast, which cover the majority of fishing situations, move on to the fancy rope tricks with a fly rod. ~Parnelli

    [This message has been edited by Steven H. McGarthwaite (edited 13 April 2006).]

  9. #9


    Thank all for your posts. I have found the posts and the reading very informative and certainly instructive.

    Thanks once again for the help.


  10. #10


    I'm a little like FrankB.

    The first time I picked up a fly rod, a friend of a friend (who happened to be a bonefish guide on Andros Island, Bahamas) gave me a short explanation of what to do and showed me what it "should" look like. . . then tweaked what I was doing for maybe 20 minute.

    I had no idea I was "double-hauling" until the next time I picked up a fly rod, almost two years later, and started doing some technique research online.

    [This message has been edited by MikeZRed (edited 13 April 2006).]

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