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Thread: Trammel Creek, TN side

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Lafayette, Tennessee

    Default Trammel Creek, TN side

    Today was a rare day. End of January and temps in the mid 60s, plus I got off work at lunch. I had a few errands I had to run for the better half, which I did lickety split and I was off. It seems the state of KY stocks Trammel Creek. The creek flows almost due north for a few miles, but it starts in TN, and since I couldn't afford KY out of state license... I parked about 30 ft from the state line and put in. Now I will admit I did feel a little guilty, after all, if the residents of KY are paying for the stream to be stocked, I really should help them out and buy their license, especially since I was fishing for one of "their" trout. But somehow I managed to put all that guilt aside, about a second after seeing the creek and I took off. I was really surprised by the depth of the creek, there were some very deep holes in the creek.

    I fished for most of the evening, I would've liked to have fished longer, but AJ had basketball practice so I stopped about 4pm. I terrorized the local creek chubs and saw some very pretty streams, but no trout.

    I did have one mystery though, I seen a critter. I wasn't sure what it was, my first thought was a beaver. The creek was narrow and it was with in 10 ft of me, but it was deep. It was 4 legged, hairy and had a tail like a turtle. It didn't surface for air, but rather swam under a rock to try to hide from me, however its tail was left out. I'm guessing the water was 5 to 6 ft deep there. I took my rod, and reached down and tapped at its tail underwater. I googled some TN Aquatic animal images and I've decided it was a muskrat. I thought they were long and slender like an otter, but this guy was short and fat. The pics on google seem to back taht up so I suppose that is what it was.

    I would've loved to have found a few trout, but otherwise it was a good day. After all, any day on the water if a good day.


    PS Next time I think I'll spring for the out of state KY license though

    PSS sorry no pics, I got in to big of a hurry and left my camera in the truck.
    Last edited by hungNtree; 02-01-2012 at 10:49 AM. Reason: forgot to mention camera
    "If we lie to the government, it's called a felony, when they lie to us, it's called politics." Bill Murray

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Nashville, TN. USA
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    Muskrats are built like very small beavers with skinny tails that are more vertically oriented than the beavers' horizontally oriented (i.e. vertically compressed) tails.
    Critturs may look sleeker swimming against the current. Heck, Kaboom1 said I looked thinner that time I fell into the Au Sable...


  3. #3

    Lightbulb Maybe it's time ...

    Quote Originally Posted by hungNtree View Post
    .... I terrorized the local creek chubs and saw some very pretty streams, but no trout. ....
    ... to change your signature ??

    Fun report, as usual, Jason. Hoping for some pixels next time you get out.

    The fish are always right.

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