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Thread: Favorite books!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Ogden, Utah

    Default Favorite books!

    My most favorite of all time is "Spring Creeks" by Lawson. Lots of nice photos--what can I say, I'm a guy. Actually, it's a great book for the type of fishing I enjoy.

    Next most favorite--"Tying Emergers" by Leeson and Schollmeyer. Great techniques and great, very useful flies. Easy to use. Very much step by step.

    Get them on Amazon for a great discount over stores.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    derry, nh usa


    I like anything by John Gierich. I live my life vicariously through him

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Wow, thats pretty heavy Jim, least I not be a buddha...I guess If I had to pick one author it would be ...Aksakov,Anderson,Babson, Baker,Behneke, Bergman,Blackmore,Buchan,Byron,Camuto,Cervantes,Ch atham,Chekhov,clarke,Cleveland,Deren,Dunne,Eliot,E llis,Engels, Farson, Feddon,Field, Flick, Ford, Forester, Gierrach, Gingrich, Gordon, Graves,Grey Hackle, Haig-Brown, Hemingway,Hersey, Hweitt,Hills, Johnson,Keene, Kelson, Knight, LaFontaine, Lampman, Lang, Lapsley, Leeson, MacBain, Maclean, Marinaro, Meyers, Middelton, Moore, Norris, O'Neil, Page, Palmer, Paterson, Perry, Pertwee, Prime, Raines, Ransome, Raymond, Ritz, Rubin, Sabatinie, Salmon, Sheck, Schullery, Schwiebert, Shengmu, Shepherd, Sheringham, Skues, Smith, Stewert, Sutcliffe, Tabory, Taverner, Thompson , Thoreau, Travor, Twain, Van de Water, Voss Bark, Walden, Walton (Izzak) Weeks, Wheatly, Williams, WIlson, wright, Wulff, (Joan and Lee) Zern....Did I leave any one who writes about fly fishing out?

    [This message has been edited by Jonezee (edited 13 April 2006).]

  4. #4


    Jonezee...don't know if McManus counts since he covers so many outdoor activities LOL, but if he does then you missed him.

    Take care everyone and cya around. Mark
    Take care and cya around,


  5. #5


    Right now I'm reading Rivers of the Heart by Steve Raymond. It's pretty good.

  6. #6


    haven't read many on instruction

    But a great story is "A River Runs Through It"

    I love Maclean's style of writing

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    derry, nh usa


    Jonezee...you forgot Dorf.

  8. #8


    Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac..
    Ohhh,you mean fishing related?

    Then I'd have to say.... Trout Bum by Gierach

    Funny they both have the word Bum in it. never noticed that before. hmmm

    "The more widely one observes nature, the more it appeals to one's soul. Why? Because there is a music there; and the wider one's outlook on life becomes, the deeper one's understanding of life, the more music one can listen to, the music that
    answers the whole universe." --Inayat Khan

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    If I can use Cervantes "there is no taking trout in dry breeches" Don Quixote (1605) then yes, McManus should be on the list. I know there are lots of others...Dorf is another one.

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