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Thread: There Goes Sanity

  1. #11


    "Jeff Kerr, PETA's general counsel, says his five-member legal team -- which spent 18 months preparing the case --"

    Wonder how much that bunch is going try and soak the taxpayers for? Win or loose, they will try to recoup some of those "legal fees" from the US.
    And if the taxpayers dont pay for it, you now know where all those donations go. I'm sure it wasn't done pro bono.


  2. #12

    Default And on another note with PETA--

    Every year there is a salt water fishing tournament in Va. Beach and the weigh-in is always in front of the PETA headquarters. Local radio station is there with the sound system to make sure everyone hears how many fish are caught and what they weigh when they are brought in. And they give away free hotdogs too. I understand the people in that office get a little upset.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    HEY Prez "O"!!!...Better watch out...Doesn't YOUR dog do tricks?
    PETA's watchin' YOU!

    Excuse me for poking so much fun, but garbage like this so called lawsuit sure must make the USA look silly to the rest of the world. I actually find it embarrassing that educated Americans actually have nothing better to do with their time & alleged talents.
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    shamokin, pa.


    If PETA and the HSUS would put their resources to good use - such as habitat improvement, they would be actually doing some good, instead of wasting time and money fighting with those of us whom actually are trying to help the environment. Every dollar spent on these nut-cases (PETA/HSUS) is a dollar taken from the animals they purport to be concerned about. It's a lose-lose situation - for the animals - but nice if your a lawyer!

    Best regards, Dave the habitat guy.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Prescott AZ
    Blog Entries


    everytime Peta or some other edge group needs funds,they pull somting like this, it gets them a lot of free press and costs them almost nothing. I bet the months spent working on the case involve more beer than legal. If I owned a news outlet they would never get any recognition, it isnt news.

    "Complexity is easy; Simplicity is difficult."
    Georgy Shragin
    Designer of ppsh41 sub machine gun

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by fishdog54 View Post
    If PETA and the HSUS would put their resources to good use - such as habitat improvement, they would be actually doing some good, instead of wasting time and money fighting with those of us whom actually are trying to help the environment. Every dollar spent on these nut-cases (PETA/HSUS) is a dollar taken from the animals they purport to be concerned about. It's a lose-lose situation - for the animals - but nice if your a lawyer!

    Best regards, Dave the habitat guy.

    Amen Dave! All of their energy is exerted in the wrong driection. A lawyers' job is to appoint blame to the party(s) at fault. An activists' job should be to seek solutions to the problems that exist rather than to waste time dwelling on the problem. Oversight by the citizens of a state or country (not just by the judicial system) needs to be made manifest to identify the problems that exist, and seek to discuss and define appropriate actions for appropriate issues. The people of that district have a voice and should feel compelled to speak rather than to just sit around and bitch about the protagonists in such a battle. If Peta circulates propaganda that irritates you, then speak up about it, rally some support, and get your voices heard before the foolishness persists into a case of litigation.

    US Veteran and concerned citizen

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