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Thread: leader for full sink line?

  1. #1

    Default leader for full sink line?

    I just ordered a full sink line and have been reading that people tend to use short leaders with them. Would a 4'-5' mono leader be enough or should I just use the 7'-10' tapered leaders I use with other lines.
    Thanks from a beginer.

    I plan to fish from a boat casting a shoreline if that makes any difference.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    I use 2-3 feet of straight mono.
    A short piece makes for a level retrieve.
    A little longer if you you wan your fly to "ride up" a little

    "The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year"
    Mark Twain
    The simpler the outfit, the more skill it takes to manage it, and the more pleasure one gets in his achievements.
    --- Horace Kephart

  3. #3


    Last summer/fall I was fishing pike and having trouble getting deep enough with a sink tip. I am going lake trout fishing in a few weeks in ontario and figured it might be the ticket for that too.

  4. #4


    I use straight flouro (P-Line) and tie either a perfection loop (for loop to loop)or I use a longer piece of flouro, fold it over with one side being shorter and tie a surgeon's loop. With this style I run one large fly on the long side and one small fly on the short (looks like bait being chased I guess).
    I also tie double of all flies (weighted and unweighted marked with a red thread head). I also like BOOBIE flies for this.
    Anyway, personally I can't see waisting a tapered leader on sinking line, but that is just me. I will also experiment with different length flouro till I find the zone.

    she who dies with the most toy's wins.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Cornwall, PEI, Canada


    Hi mhedlund,

    Using a long leader with a full sink line is defeating the purpose of using a full sink line, unless you are using weighted flies. But be carefull with the regulations, alot of places will not allow weighted flies. If you are using a long leader you fly line will be down where the fish are and your fly will be still way above.
    I know when I fish for fall salmon I use about a 18" piece of Maxima leader (12 lb) to my fly line with a nail knot and a another piece of Maxima leader (10 or 8 lb) 18" to 24" tied to my first piece with a blood knot.
    As the second piece gets to short you just add another piece to the first piece. This will ususally last you for quite awhile unless you change your fly a lot.

    My 2 cents worth,
    Alan (salmonguy)
    Catch & Release Works...

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