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Thread: Been away for a long long time, too long!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Central Kentucky

    Default Been away for a long long time, too long!

    Hello everyone - Just getting back into this sport again after a very long time. I want to say a "special" THANKS to Deanna for honoring my request in 2008 to keep me as an active member of FAOL, and this forum, knowing that I would not be able to be involved. Thank you FisherLady! I hope we cross lines again in the not to distant future.

    The last time I had any interaction with the FAOL members was at the MI Fishin in 2008. I briefly looked at some of the posters on the BB and did see some names I recognized; Kaboom, Rainbow Chaser, etc. Glad to see you folks are still here. I still remember and appreciate the "dry fly" training that Rainbow Chaser provided to me during the MI Fishin and hope you are doing well. The last time I got on this site the news was grim with regards to a key member. I hope not to find that again on this visit.

    The forum has changed a little but not all that much. I will be doing more looking on the boards to see if there are still others that I remember. Scuba Tim and Jack Hise come to mind but didn't see any posts from them during the quick scan.

    Look forward to interacting with all
    again, and will have to see if there are any Fishins that are in the near future. I hope I can still get a line out past my waders.

    The best to all and glad to be back!!!!!

    PS> Is home made baked "bread" and "Spam" still a favorite with this group? LOL!


    ~~~ Fly Fish the Cumberland, it will make you live longer.~~~

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Ashburn, Virginia



    Welcome back. Wade right in and put it tight to the bank.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Stevensville, MI


    Glad you could make it back. Rainbow (and Butterfly) are doing well, still bothering the trouts. Jack is on a major road trip with Brad (Kaboom). You can find a log of their odyssey "stickyed" at the top of the FAOL bulleting board called 2000 leagues over the road. Here - http://www.flyanglersonline.com/bb/s...-Over-the-Road
    Scuba was at the last Fish-In in MI this summer and had a great, albeit short time. Fun times . I was down in KY this summer visiting a friend in Frankfort. You might know him...name of James Beam. Good to see ya! Take care and what Scott said.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    28433 N State Lamoni, Ia 50140


    Glad to have you back.
    Is the line supposed to go past the waders?
    That maybe my problem.


  5. #5


    Welcome back, glad you could make it! Most of the "old guard" is still here and a significant number of new folks as well. A few health issues for some of us, but for the most part we are grateful for what we have & and what we still can do *S* Right on with the bread and spam - please remember the white Chez-its for Betty!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    neither here nor there


    RIGHT ON!!!! Both for the chez-its and for Bob's return!!!!! It's great to see you back!!!!!!
    Trouts don't live in ugly places.

    A friend is not who knows you the longest, but the one who came and never left your side.

    Don't look back, we ain't goin' that way.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Nunica Mi U S A


    Hi Bob, welcome back. I was wondering what happened to you the other day when I was looking through fish-in pictures in the archives. There is another Michigan fish in planned for next year but if you can't wait for that This will be comimg up soon and is nearer to you. I think you know some of the guys who are going.
    I can think of few acts more selfish than refusing a vaccination.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    White Bear Lake MN


    Welcome Home!

    I also had a long absence from the Bulletin Board, but I was always here every week reading and converting the new articles off the "Home Page. Time does heal some wounds.... and time helps a person to straighten out personnal affairs in life. During my absence, had time to decided on what to take forward with me, and what to leave on the side of the "Roadway of Life"! ~Parnelli

    Member of FAOL since October 6th 1997
    Last edited by Steven McGarthwaite; 09-09-2011 at 11:36 PM.
    "Everyone you meet in life, give you happiness! Some by their arrival, others by their departure!" ~Parnelli

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Nashville, TN. USA
    Blog Entries


    Welcome back.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Central Kentucky


    Thanks to Ladyfisher and all others for the great welcome back! The Chez-its!!!! How could I forget Betty and the Chez-its! I've worn out the old excuse of "I'm over 60 so i get a pass," will have to come up with a new excuse. Also will check out the Jack/Brad story and see what they have been up to on this big trip they are on.

    Will have to check out the "Jack/Brad" trip here soon. In talking to a buddy I hear my beloved Cumberland River has taken a huge hit of late. Seems the Wolf Creek Dam repairs are still on-going and with the low water levels in the lake, combined with the summer heat, we had a major fish kill. Don't know the particulars but was told upwards to a 70% kill.

    mcsteff; When you were in Frankfort you were about 40 miles from me, and I know James well, in fact know exactly where he lives.

    Again thanks for the great welcome back and will look forward to getting back into this sport.
    Will be going to the MI Fish-in next year, if the creeks don't rise, and look forward to seeing familiar faces once again.

    Tight lines!

    ~~~ Fly Fish the Cumberland, it will make you live longer.~~~

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