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Thread: IGFA tippet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Lyons, Colorado

    Default IGFA tippet

    I have a dumb question regarding tippets: Is there any difference between IGFA tippets (rated by pound test) and regular (non-IGFA) tippets (rated by diameter; e.g., 5x)? I wouldn't think so, but I wanted to check. If there is no important difference, then shouldn't one be able to use an IGFA 6 lb tippet as a "4.5x" tippet, if the 4x tippet is 7 lb and the 5x is 5 lb test? (I take these numbers from the Orvis catalog describing fluorocarbon tippets.)

    Orvis has a pretty good sale on their IGFA fluorocarbon, and I would like to buy some to use with my other non-IGFA Orvis fluorocarbon tippet if there is not a reason that this wouldn't work. If my reasoning is off, please help me to understand how I am mistaken.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2000


    IGFA tippet is certified by the manufacturer to break at or below the rated strength. Most non IGFA tippet or line will break no lower than the rated strength, so it may break at a greater force. Some monofilaments break at as much as 50% higher than the rated strength. IGFA tippet or line is important for anglers trying for world records since they know their tippet strength will not exceed a tippet or line strength category. If you submit a record for 8lb tippet for example, and your tippet tests out at 8.5lbs, it wont qualify. However if your IGFA tippet labeled 8lb test actually tests at 7.5lbs the catch will qualify for the 8lb category.

    To figure out where the IGFA tippet fits into the X rating system look at the diameter of the IGFA tippet, not the strength rating, and compare it to the standard line diameters for X rating system. The X designations are based on diameter, not strength. Unfortunately, I do not see in the Orvis catalog or the website where it specifies the diameter of the IGFA tippet materials. An email to Orvis customer service may be needed to get that information.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Asheville, NC, USA


    Tippet material is subjected to higher quality control for consistency than most mono intended for conventional tackle. IGFA tippet is guaranteed not to exceed the rated strength--records are not broken by tippet that breaks the rules, or the submission has to compete at the next higher pound test level. "Standard" tippet puts a premium on accurate diameter, and accurate breaking strength is not the priority. If you're not interested in breaking IGFA records, there's no reason why you can't use any tippet that you like. If you find mono that you're satisfied with the consistency of (or just don't fish small flies enough to care about presentation) that will work fine too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Lyons, Colorado


    Interesting and helpful responses. If I interpret them correctly, the 6 lb designation on the IGFA tippet should better be labeled <6 lb. This undermines my idea that the "6lb" IGFA is intermediate between the 5 lb (5x) and 7 lb (4x) standard tippet. The IGFA "6lb" is probably closer in strength to the 5 lb (5x) non-IGFA tippet.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2000


    Quote Originally Posted by jgrossing View Post
    Interesting and helpful responses. If I interpret them correctly, the 6 lb designation on the IGFA tippet should better be labeled <6 lb. This undermines my idea that the "6lb" IGFA is intermediate between the 5 lb (5x) and 7 lb (4x) standard tippet. The IGFA "6lb" is probably closer in strength to the 5 lb (5x) non-IGFA tippet.
    The "X" rating assigned to tippet is based solely on diameter of the line as listed below and has nothing to do with breaking strength. There is no relationship between break strength and the X rating. I have spools of 5X material of different brands and models with listed break strengths ranging from 2lb to 5lb.

    Size Diameter
    0X .011"
    1X .010"
    2X .009"
    3X .008"
    4X .007"
    5X .006"
    6X .005"
    7X .004"
    8X .003"

    I have some 6lb IGFA tippet from a different manufacturer and it is .009" in diameter which equates to 2X and would not be a good tippet to use in most cases where 5X tippet would be appropriate.

    IGFA rated tippet is usually thicker than standard tippet similar break strength. so that it retains some measure of abrasion resistance.

    In order to fully determine how that Orvis IGFA tippet compares functionally to other tippet you need to know the diameter of of the IGFA tippet.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Lyons, Colorado


    To my surprise, customer service at Orvis was unable to tell me the exact diameter of the 6 lb test IGFA mirage fluorocarbon tippet. They said that they thought it was "about .006." If this is true, then the 6 lb IGFA would be very similar in size (and breaking strength) to their 5x mirage fluorocarbon. I guess that I will have to proceed on the assumption that this is correct, and substitute the 6lb IGFA for my 5x fluorocarbon tippet. I had hoped that it would be a little stronger (i.e., between the strength of the 5x and the 4x), but it doesn't look like this is the case.

    Again, thank you for your helpful comments.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Lyons, Colorado


    I received the Orvis "6 lb" IGFA mirage fluorocarbon tippet today, and it is labeled .006" in diameter. It also says that it is 2.3 kg (5.06 lb) in breaking strength. This means that it is the same size as the Orvis 5x mirage fluorocarbon, and has the same breaking strength. I am tempted to conclude that it is identical to the 5x, but just labeled differently.

    Regardless, it should be essentially the same as the 5x, and at the sale price ($4.00 for 40 meters), it is a pretty good buy. I will substitute it for the 5x and save a few bucks.

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