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Thread: Q- fly to tippet knot?

  1. #1

    Default Q- fly to tippet knot?

    Hello everyone, just a quick question.

    I have been using the Pitzen Knot a lot lately and it works great, easy to tie as well. I recently picked up a magazine issue that illustrated a knot they called the "Fisherman's Knot" which was unlike any other version of a fisherman's knot I have ever seen before. It did look like a Pitzen Knot, but instead of winded the tag end around the standing part and the loop, they simply wound the loop around the standing part of the line and then passed the tag through the end of the loop.

    Is there a significant difference there? It seems that winding the loop this way may even be a little easier than pinching the end of the loop to the standing line and winding around the fly. But if it's weaker, then there's no advantage.

    Just wondering...

    Everyone must believe in something, I believe I'll go canoeing. -HDT

    Flyfishing is a drug. It's addictive, it can be expensive, not many others will understand it, it is possible to get others hooked, and everyone has a favorite place to get their fix, but there's no hangover in the morning (from the fishing at least).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Mojave Desert CA


    Without a picture or video its hard to tell about the fisherman's knot. Probably you will have to experiment with the new knot to see if it's stronger, or weaker or just as good. Then let us know what you found out.
    I have used the Pitzen knot for years and never knew the name of it til I read this thread and looked it up. More recently I have been using the clinch knot and the improved clinch, especially on streamers. Good luck with your search. Jim
    I'm either going to, coming from or thinking about fishing. Jim

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Highland Park, Illinois


    I've used that knot in the past- couldn't remember its name. It's a darn strong knot.


  4. #4


    Ok, here we go, as I mentioned, I have used the Pitzen knot, and I like it. It's strong, it's easy to tie, and if you do it right, it clicks to let you know the knot has set. It's also been called the 16-20 knot.

    I scanned the pic of the knot from the magazine that I found it in. I don't want to get into trouble for copying someone else's work, but I can't draw worth beans. Here it is:

    As I metioned, the loop formed is twisted around the main line with this knot. The Pitzen knot takes the tag of the loop and winds that back towards the eye of the hook. Otherwise, these knots are very similar. I tried a test, I tied five samples of each, and pull tested them by hand in 2X tippet. The Pitzen knot help in each case, this "fisherman's knot" broke. I'm not claiming any authority as a knot tester, I'm just saying that it seems to me that this knot is weaker. Now, I had to pull really hard to break the line, but in each case, the line broke in the knot. The knot will probably hold for 99% of all the fish I catch, but I still like the security of the Pitzen knot.

    Just saying, and if I have offended anyone with this I am sincerely sorry, I'm just posting my results. If anyone has their own results to share, please do. I am very open to learning something.

    Last edited by doftya; 07-02-2011 at 07:39 PM.

    Everyone must believe in something, I believe I'll go canoeing. -HDT

    Flyfishing is a drug. It's addictive, it can be expensive, not many others will understand it, it is possible to get others hooked, and everyone has a favorite place to get their fix, but there's no hangover in the morning (from the fishing at least).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Oklahoma City, OK, USA


    I have used The fisherman's knot for 2 years and is tough and strong. It is meant to be tied with forceps. Put the the tag end through the eye of the hook make a 2 or 3inch loop and hold the tag end by the hooks eye. Take your forceps(closed) through the loop. Twist the loop and running line together 3 turns. Open your forceps and grab the tagend and pull through the loop.
    The pitzen knot tests very strong but for me it breaks after 4 or 5 fish ( your mileage may vary)
    By the way the fishman's Knot is lightening fast to tie w/ forceps.

    This guy calls this a nail not but it is actually the fisherman knot http://www.beaucatcher.com/Fly_Fishing_Knots.html
    Last edited by okflyfisher; 07-02-2011 at 08:38 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    New York


    I guess I'm just too old to change and stubborn. Never had much of a problem with the plain old 'Improved Cinch Knot'. Maybe it's not the best or strongest. Then again I'm talking freshwater not saltwater. Anyway, it works for me.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Maine, Now I've retired to North Carolina (just south of Fayetteville)


    When I look at that knot, I think I'll stay with the improved clinch

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Liberty Lake, Washington


    Interesting looking knot. I've always use the Improved Clinch but it doesn't allow the fly to move independently of the knot. The Fisherman's Knot looks like it would have an open loop and allow the fly to move without being controlled by the knot.
    Where you go is less important than how you take the steps.
    Fish with a Friend,
    Lotech Joe

  9. #9


    The "Fisherman's Knot" is what I always thought was a Pitzen knot. I've been using this knot for about 10 years and find it very easy to tie and very strong. The hardest part about tying it is threading the tippet through the eye of the hook. The only attribute it does not have is it does not allow and open loop for the fly, like the non-slip loop knot does.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Lake In The Hills. IL USA


    Are we SERIOUS???. Does anyone REALLY worry about a "NEW" knot?. I've been fly fishing for a hunnert years and have used 3 knots. One to tie fly to tippet. One to tie tippet to leader and one to tie leader to line. I have NO clue what they're called but they've worked for a hunnert years.

    PS: Forgot about the shoelace knot. ( But seldom tie that one)

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