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Thread: What would you recomend?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Clark Fork, ID USA

    Default What would you recomend?

    I am currently reading Gary Lafantaines Flyfishing high mountain lakes. in the book he mentions several flies to use in these lakes. I Plan to go on several trips to secluded lakes this summer, In northern Idaho, and want to know what flies to take. I currently have these on my list:

    Improved Buzz Ball
    Halo Midge Emerger

    Gray Flex- Damsel
    Blue Flex-Damsel

    Cased Caddis larva
    Floating Cased Caddis
    Beadhead Deep Sparkle Pupa
    Emergant Sparkle Pupa
    Dacining Caddis
    Diving Caddis

    I will also take several Insects patterns, like foam beetles, ants, and hoppers.Thanks for any input you may have.
    - David

    Game fish are too valuable to only be caught once.
    -Lee Wulff

  2. #2


    all are good especially the emergent sparkle caddis and the halo emerger. I would add the following flies to a list and these are actually my goto flies for mountain lakes:

    Woolly bugger in sizes 10-14
    EHC in 12-18 (larger caddis make a fair hopper pattern in a pinch).
    Marabou Damsel Nymph as tied here: [url=http://www.flyanglersonline.com/flytying/beginners/part14.html:a07d3]http://www.flyanglersonline.com/flytying/beginners/part14.html[/url:a07d3]
    Any scud pattern in sizes 16-22
    And for midges I use cream midge spinner: [url=http://www.flyanglersonline.com/flytying/fotw2/032904fotw.html:a07d3]http://www.flyanglersonline.com/flytying/fotw2/032904fotw.html[/url:a07d3] plus a variation that I tie based on that pattern

    Actually all of the flies in my list are the only flies (in addition the sparkle caddis emerger) that I plan on taking this year since I am tired of carrying multiple fly boxes. Most of the places I fish have either brookies, cutts or both, and I find that generally speaking the fish arent too choosy.

    Take care everyone and cya around. Mark

    [This message has been edited by MarkKillam (edited 26 March 2006).]
    Take care and cya around,


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Klamath Falls, Oregon, USA


    Renegade and a renegade and a renegade.

    Tim Anderson

  4. #4


    actually I just looked in my fly box and realized that I forgot a couple of flies...duh:

    griffiths gnat in sizes 14-22
    caddis larva in sizes 14-18 (also can be used a midge larva when tied in smaller sizes 18-24)

    would also recommend GRHE(size ten tied wiht rubber legs otherwise 12-1, and pheasant tails (14-1 as nymphs

    Take care everyone and cya around. Mark
    Take care and cya around,


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Missoula, MT USA


    That's a great book. I like a small bead head wooly bugger, black, size 10 and 12. Maybe some bigger white stimulators in case you see spruce moths and some standards like adams and r coachman. Not really rocket science in the high lakes. There are winged ants in the summer and if it's windy they get blown into the water.

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