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Thread: Sink Tip with Strike Indicator

  1. #1

    Default Sink Tip with Strike Indicator

    I was thinking about getting a sink tip line or one of the Orvis sink tip systems for steelhead fishing and was curious how you use a strike indicator on a sink tip line? Usually I have the indicator on the fly line side of a long leader and weight the fly end of the leader. If I use sink tip though, the entire leader should be under water. Do you have an indicator on the fly line? How do you find one big enough for fit over the fly line? I like the simple indicators that you thread the line through and stick a toothpick in. Thanks for the info.

    Here is the Orvis thing I mentioned: [url=http://www.orvis.com/store/product_choice.asp?pf_id=205Z&dir_id=758&group_id= 10657&feature_id=16&cat_id=5402&subcat_id=6011:268 1a]http://www.orvis.com/store/product_choice.asp?pf_id=205Z&dir_id=758&group_id= 10657&feature_id=16&cat_id=5402&subcat_id=6011[/url:2681a]


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Redding, Ca, USA


    I do not think I have ever heard of anybody using a strike indicator on a sink tip. Personally I wont go any more than 9' or maybe 10' below my indicator. Any more than that is just a pain to handle. You are also going to end up with so much slack you are going to miss a lot of strikes.

    Born to fish forced to work.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Driggs, ID USA


    7star, why would anyone want to use a indicator with a sink-tip? I do not see any logic in it.

    If you are going to indicator fish use a floating line and save yourself a huge headache.

    IMO it is much easier to nymph fish with a floating line, save your sink-tip for fishing streamers.

  4. #4


    So sink tip line is only for streamers. I didn't know that. What about lake fishing with nymphs? How do you get the nymph down and still detect strikes? Thanks

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    I don't think I would associate the line with the fly type so much, but to the presentation desired. Indy fishing seems a very easy way to attain "dead drift" or "controlled depth" while dead drifting. Tips seem better at getting depth when you are moving stuff "against" the water.
    ....lee s.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    McMinnville, OR, USA


    For deep fishing nymphs in lakes use a full sinking or sink tip line. You will be using some type of retrieve and pointing your rod tip down the line so there is no slack and you will feel the strike.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Lancaster, NY, USA


    You don't want to run an indictor off a sink tip or mini sink tip line. Run your indicator off your leader and use a floating line. That way you'll be able to mend easily and get a much nicer drift. The sink tips or mini tips are great for swinging flies in moving water or presenting a fly deeper in stillwaters.

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