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Thread: an exciting off-topic announcement

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Blog Entries

    Exclamation an exciting off-topic announcement

    I haven't been too active on the forums as of late, and I miss it quite a lot, but a lot is going on in my life right now and leaves me precious little time to sleep, much less tie much, or post on here, unfortunately.

    But you all are very dear to me and I want to share with you this wonderful news!

    I'm engaged!

    My boyfriend (and best friend!) of slightly over one year (and the one who introduced me to fly-fishing and fly-tying) proposed to me Saturday night at a salsa dancing party in my hometown! It was a total surprise as moments after he proposed both of our families and many close friends emerged from behind a closed door to celebrate with us!

    We will be wed September 3rd of this year. We haven't decided yet where we will be fishing on our honeymoon. If you have any recommendations, we're up for hearing them!

    I'll post a few pictures of the ring, which he is very proud of. (He worked hard and saved up for a long time to buy this ring, and he designed it himself!)



    And here we are, which is a picture much more representative of US than a piece of jewelry.


    Just wanted to share the news!

    Last edited by AlbaSurf; 03-24-2011 at 04:02 AM.
    Imagination is more important than knowledge.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Borger, Texas


    Hi Karli-Rea,

    Wonderful News! Best wishes! I'm very happy for you and will pray for God to Bless you both!

    God bless,


  3. Default

    I recomend you both be happy with one another & do your absolute best to make each other the as happy as you can be. The rewards are worth more than all the diamonds & gold in the world. GOOD onya both!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA

    Thumbs up

    That's a beautiful ring leading to a beautiful marital union. Take a little advice from an ol' goat who has been married for almost 41 years....the ONE word, other than LOVE, that defines a successful marriage is COMMUNICATION. It needs to be two way, open, honest, & equal.
    Congrats to you both!
    God Bless,
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    ,Yosemite region



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Nunica Mi U S A


    Congratulations! As for a fishing honeymoon check out Gates Au Sable Lodge on the sponsors page. Not foo far from Iowa with nice rooms and right on the Au Sable river.
    I can think of few acts more selfish than refusing a vaccination.

  7. #7


    CONGRATS Karli-Rae! That is awesome news!!!

    I'd check out southern Missouri/Northwest Arkansas. Gorgeous scenery and everything from trout to stripers to smallies to chase.
    The Green Hornet strikes again!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Idaho Falls, Idaho


    Good on ya' kiddies. Sounds like you've really gotten into the fishing aspect of life. It's a good place to be, especially if you both share the same passion. It's something you can grow into and take it wherever you want it to take you. Speaking of that, why don't you go whole hog and make a trip west. The area within a hundred miles in any direction from West Yellowstone contains countless opportunities to catch some really nice fish in September. There are a bunch of us on here that could narrow your choices down for you, depending on what kind of fishing you like. Congratulations!!!
    They're just fish, right? Right?

  9. #9


    Karli -

    Congratulations to Christopher. He got engaged to a real sweetheart !!


    P.S. You got your congratulations in a PM.
    The fish are always right.

  10. #10


    Not just any hand could frame such a beautiful ring.

    I congratulate your best friend on his tastes in rings and fishing partner. Congratulations to you for seeing his efforts, his pride and for your fishing partner. Congratulations to you both for finding each other.

    For a honeymoon I would go to KennebunkportMaine, Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard, rent a convertible, make no reservations and stay in bed and breakfasts, but I would have to be back by the 10 th, Notre Dame is playing Michigan
    Thanks Old Man GO IRISH!

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