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Thread: As the storm rolls in

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    N Muskegon, MI USA

    Default As the storm rolls in

    Most of us here obsess about fly fishing on our favorite streams. They are locked up now by either winter or regulation but that doesn't inhibit our dreaming. The experts are predicting huge snowfalls here in the midwest and I'm not thinking about my roof or driveway but how wonderful this might be for our aquifer. More water in July and August! It's worth the inconvenience now. Bring it on. I'll stay inside, drink a little whiskey, and get my gear squared away for spring.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Stevensville, MI


    I think I'll join you,BSwan. We are sending you a bit more of the white stuff and a minor zephyr to distribute it evenly. Slainte!
    From the warmer climes of Southern Michigan,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Fort Wayne, Indiana


    Well, I can't see across the street right now. I will send some of our snow north. We have had snow, sleet, freezing rain and are now back to snow. I am going back to the shop to work on some more bamboo.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    DFW metroplex, TX USA


    Not much snow here. Just a high today of 2 and a forecast for a low of -21 tonight.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Carlisle, Kentucky, USA


    From an old SW Michigan boy, isn"t this just the usual normal "lake effect". Hunker down , stay warm and safe and do some tying and day dreaming. My brother says Steelies will be running some(:>)

  6. #6


    Steelies will need an ice pick, KT. We didn't get as much snow as predicted here in Rochester, MI but it's still 9" or so with 2 foot drifts. Predicting another few days of single digit temps too. Streams are starting to freeze over. Hardly see much open water in Paint Creek downtown.

    On the subject of winter steelies, my friend and I used to go every MLK day to Baldwin and fish the PM for them. Went there one year and the temp was 50 degrees (in Jan). Stayed at the Orvis Lodge and got up the next day to zero F. Went fishing anyway but there was ice on the bottom in the shallows at the edge of the stream. Slick as hell. Spent more time with the rod in the water to melt the ice out of the guides than we did fishing. You know that fine line between matcho and stupid? We found it.


  7. #7


    Ahhhh. I CAN'T wait to get out this weekend and fish the middle Deschutes again, in the nice mid 50 degree temps were going to have this weekend. Sorry ya'll snowed-in back East, but it's almost like spring here in Central Oregon! Think about a change in location??
    Born to fish, Forced to Work!

    Please deliver me to the weekend!

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