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Thread: Nail knot vs UniKnot

  1. #1

    Default Nail knot vs UniKnot

    Am I wrong in thinking the uniknot and nail knot are the same?

    If they are different please tell me how?

    A recent string called two different knots uniknots....neither of which I agree with IMHO.

  2. #2


    Go to the knot section under "fly fishing basics" on this site.
    The two knots you mention are completely different in application.

  3. #3


    The regular uni-knot used in attaching tippet to hook or for using double uni-knots to attach tippet to leader, are different from the nail knot in application.

    But there is a different use and application for a uni-knot that is described in Art Lee's book "Fishing Dry Flies for Trout in Rivers and Streams" that is called the Uni-knot splice, and is used in the same application as the nail knot (fly line to leader).

    It seems as if the uni-knot splice has the same result as a nail-less nail knot.

    The knots are tied in a different way, but apparently have the same end result.

    Here is a picture of how to do the uni-knot splice, as is indicated by Art Lee:

    [This message has been edited by Spud (edited 10 March 2006).]

  4. #4


    Maybe it's just me but you picture of a uni knot, if you put the the leader next to the line and used one of those cone shaped tools, it does look like the same knot. You are wrapping several times around both materials and then threading the leader/tippet down the middle. It's seems to me the only difference is the tool for nail knots.

    she who dies with the most toy's wins.

  5. #5


    So far I guess I agree with all of the above. However I was not talking "application".

    Actually it seems to me that when that knot is used to go line to leader we call it a nail knot....then when we use it to go tippet to fly...or other applications we call it a uniknot.

    I know I am tying the same knot just applying it differently.

    I usually use the tool FG refers to and in fact last night just to be different and because it's what I had handy I used the looped bobbin threader [actually worked a little better then the other tool]....maybe we shouldn't use the term nail knot ...I doubt many nails are used any more.

    Still waiting to hear any differences in the knot itself????

  6. #6


    I agree, till this site I have never heard the term Uni-knot and it isn't in any of my knot books. Reading the post on attaching fly to tippet Kengore refers to a uni-knot as an Orvis knot which is nothing like the picture.

    she who dies with the most toy's wins.

    [This message has been edited by Fly Goddess (edited 10 March 2006).]

  7. #7


    The concept is basically the same, but it is not the same knot.

    with a uniknot - inside the loops made, there is only the mainline of the leader, and the tip of the flyline. The tag end of the leader is outside the loops and makes a less smooth transition. Also you start your loops near the end of the flyline

    with a nail knot, inside the loops are the main line of the leader, the flyline, AND the tag end of the leader. The provides a more smooth exterior and transition for the knot. Also, you start making your loops away from the end of the flyline, workign towards the end, then feeding the tag of the leader along the side of the nail inside the loops.

    if this is confusing, I think I can make soem diagrams that will help you if you'd like.

    [This message has been edited by l1ranger (edited 10 March 2006).]

  8. #8


    The uni-knot splice is the same exact knot as a nail-less nail knot. It has the same application and outcome. But the uni-knot splice and the uni-knot normally used in other areas is entirely different. Therefore the plan uni-knot (not the uni-knot splice used to connect fly line to leader) is an entirely different knot than the nail knot.

    I think a lot of confusion comes from the name uni-knot. There are many different applications and even different ways of tying a uni-knot. Technically, I think the uni-knot splice should have a different name than the regular uni-knot.


  9. #9


    Duncan or Uni

    Nail knot:

  10. #10


    spud: I looked at your diagram, from Art Lee's book, and to me it looks like, a double surgeon's knot.

    The way I was taught the Double Uni-Knot (Duncan) was

    1. The tag ends are parallel to each other.

    2. Loop one tag end, and run the tag end under both lines, and through the loop (4 to 7 times, the smaller the line the more loops).

    3. Do the same for the other tag end.

    4. Wet the line, and pull the two knots, until they join.

    The idea, is the knots are using each other as a backstop. ~Parnelli

    I use some GOOP, on the knots to smooth the taper, so the knots do not get hung-up in the guides.

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