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Thread: Something only fellow Scandinavians can appreciate........

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    White Bear Lake MN

    Default Something only fellow Scandinavians can appreciate........

    Foreword: This was sent to me by my cousin (who is the the great-granddaughter of my great-great grandmother Larsen) who lives in Oregon (Oregon has no winters, they also do not have any summers), while in Minnesota we have winter, and sometimes we have summer ( which usually falls on a weekend when it does nothing but rain cat and dogs!

    Minnesota became the 32nd state on May 11, 1858. It was originally settled by a lost band of Norwegians seeking refuge from the searing heat of Wisconsin's winters.

    The state flag of Minnesota consists of a blue background upon which sits a design best described as "how a 7-year- old city girl would draw a picture titled, 'life on the farm.'"

    Minnesota gets its name from the Sioux Indian word "mah-nee-soo-tah", meaning, "No, really... they eat fish soaked in lye".

    The state song of Minnesota is "Someday, the Vikings will...um... Aw, never mind".

    The Mall of America in Bloomington , Minnesota covers 9.5 million square feet and has enough space to hold 185,000 teenagers yapping away on cell phones.

    Madison, Minnesota is known as "The Lutefisk Capital of the World". This town is to be avoided at all costs.

    "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" was set in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and was Mary's first big acting job since the "Dick van Dyke Show. Her show was about a single woman's struggle to find happiness in the big city, and was originally titled "Life Without Dick"... but that was changed for some reason.

    The state motto of Minnesota at one time was, "Where Even a Man Who Wears a Feather Boa can be Governor. Now it's, "Where Even Stuart Smalley can be Senator."

    Downtown Minneapolis has an enclosed skyway system covering 52 blocks, allowing people to live, work, eat, and sleep without venturing outdoors. One downside to this: a Norwegian occasionally turns up missing.

    Cartoonist Charles M. Shultz was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota and grew up in St. Paul . He was the first artist to accurately observe and depict the perfectly circular heads of Minnesota natives.

    The Hormel Company of Austin, Minnesota produces 6 million cans of Spam a year, even though no one here actually eats it. Spam is however, a prized food in Hawaii, and... Japan.
    St. Paul, Minnesota was originally named "Pig's Eye", after French Canadian whiskey trader Pierre "Pig's Eye" Parrant. St. Paul residents are fond of pointing out that their neighboring city, Minneapolis, was for a time known as "Pig's Colon ".

    Pelican Rapids is home to a 16-foot-tall concrete pelican, which subsists on a diet of 4-foot-long concrete fish.

    Minnesota license plates are blue & white and contain the phrase, "Blizzards on Independence Day - You Get Used to It.?

    In fact, the snowmobile was invented in Roseau Minnesota, to provide families a means of attending Independence Day picnics.

    Frank C. Mars, founder of the Mars Candy Co. was born in Newport, Minnesota... many people do not know that his 3 Musketeers candy bar was a big hit in Minnesota, and was originally three bars in one wrapper, each filled with a different flavor of nougat - chocolate, Spam and lutefisk.

    Although the first fully automatic pop-up toaster was invented in Minneapolis Minnesota back in 1926, Minnesota's strict bread-control laws currently only allow residents to own semi-automatic toasters.

    Tonka trucks continue to be manufactured in Minnetonka, Minnesota, despite hundreds of GI Joe dolls killed by them annually in rollover accidents. No airbags, no seat belts... These things are deathtraps, I tell yah!

    Author Laura Ingalls Wilder was raised near Walnut Grove, Minnesota, and was famous for writing the "Little House" series of books, as well as inventing the "Spam diet" which consists of looking at a plate of Spam until you lose your appetite...much like the "lutefisk diet".

    Minnesotans are almost indistinguishable from Wisconsinites. The only way to tell them apart is to ask if they voted for Mondale in '84.

    Okay now... it's up to you to forward this on to your friends...failure to forward will result in being given an entrance pin to attend the Eelpout Festival in Walker, MN, February 18-20, 2011.

    "Everyone you meet in life, give you happiness! Some by their arrival, others by their departure!" ~Parnelli

  2. #2


    I enjoyed this being a decendand of a Larson (Great Grandmother). But I take offence to the statement about Oregon. Western Oregon maybe, but not Eastern Oregon. I have over 18" of snow in my yard. We see 100 degrees+ in the summer and below zero in the winter. Sorry just venting my frustrations having spent the last hour digging out my rig.
    There are moments when, whatever be the attitude of the body, the soul is on its knees.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    White Bear Lake MN


    Venting frustrations is good for a person, and it helps to keep you off the FBI's "10 Most Wanted Posters"! ~Parnelli

    I have never been in Oregon but my best friend (from Minnesota) did live there, and he told me about not having any summers or winters. He live in Portland, before moving to Florida! ~Parnelli
    "Everyone you meet in life, give you happiness! Some by their arrival, others by their departure!" ~Parnelli

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    NE Gwinnett Co., GA


    I also enjoyed it, having never lived north of Memphis. I have had several Minnesotan friends, nice people but you have to invite them to visit you in the summer so they will go home after a few days.

    My Dad's best friend from WWII was Alvin Kreuger from SW MN, a farm boy as my Dad was. Alvin returned and remained on his farm until his death. He had lost a finger picking corn when it was 20 deg. below zero. I never understood if he got it caught in the picker or if it just broke off.
    Want to hear God laugh? Tell him Your plans!!!

  5. #5



    "I have never been in Oregon but my best friend (from Minnesota) did live there, and he told me about not having any summers or winters. He live in Portland, before moving to Florida!"

    Portland does only have one season (rainy). But last night even they got some snow. Here we just call it "frozen fish habitat" and know that the ponds will be full in spring.
    There are moments when, whatever be the attitude of the body, the soul is on its knees.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Lake In The Hills. IL USA


    THAT was good Steve!!!!. I particularly enjoyed one "certain" part . It is good to make fun of yourself . Kinda disarms your enemies.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    NE Gwinnett Co., GA


    I just got off the phone with a friend in Minnesota .

    He said that since early this morning the snow has been nearly waist high and is still falling. His wife has done nothing all morning but look through the kitchen window.

    He says that if it gets much worse, he may have to let her in.

    This was actually sent to me by a friend in the Sacramento area.
    Want to hear God laugh? Tell him Your plans!!!

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