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Thread: Thank you to all...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Lancaster, PA

    Thumbs up Thank you to all...

    I feel the need to say thank you to all the people who run and who use FAOL for the level of civility, decency, and helpfulness that is to be found here. I have other interests than fly fishing, and frequent a number of good forums for them, but nowhere, and I do mean nowhere, do you find the caliber of people and behavior that you find at FAOL. It says a great deal about the administrators and the members. It is a rare treasure, and should be protected as such. No site is perfect, and little flames will always develop, but I'd put this site up against any other.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Liberty Lake, Washington


    Me Too! That's why I've been here for over 10 years.
    I haven't always been called Lotech Joe.
    Where you go is less important than how you take the steps.
    Fish with a Friend,
    Lotech Joe

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004



    I know where you are coming from and agree with you 100%. We, at FAOL, also thank you for joining because it is people like you who make this the best site. I have looked at other forums and find that they are not like FAOL and have struggled with a way to explain why and I think your post gave me an answer. Most forums, when a question is asked, have the "chosen" few who feel they are the authority on everything and they will respond and debate each other's answer and all other members will not respond for fear that they are wrong or would "upset" the "chosen few". Most of their members go along with the forum and hope their particular question will eventually be answered through another person's question. Here on FAOL, we are more like "family" and I feel members are not afraid to post their questions or respond to other member's question. Our forum is more like an open forum for everyone to join in and not a question/answer forum. FAOL is where you come to discuss fly fishing questions and opinions. FAOL is where you come to "rant" and know that others will understand. FAOL is where you come if you need the power of a group's prayers. FAOL is where everyone is in the "front row" and no one person is the "leader". FAOL is where you come if you just "need someone" to turn to or talk to. Our Administrators have created a site that allows people to respond with questions and answers without feeling that their question or answer is not worthy of being posted. We are FAMILY here and everything and anything anyone wants to contribute or ask is considered important and we have a very large group of members that feel "SHARING" and "PAYING FORWARD" is very important to anything fly fishing related. All questions, answers and opinions here are considered important and worth hearing and discussed openly. There are not any "chosen few" here. WE ARE FAMILY....

    Thank you for your post......
    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    NE Gwinnett Co., GA


    Well said Gentlemen. I feel like most of us grew up next door to each other, although it may have been several hundred miles apart. I think early on there was a standard of behavior established which has taught manners or discouraged those who were inclined to use foul language and look down upon their fellow sportsman. I appreciate the fact the standard is there and the effort of those who enforce it. I disagree strongly, on subjects much more important than fishing, with several people whose friendship and affection I cherish. I can certainly have difference of opinion on the things discussed here and value you as a person who has a right to their opinion. The good Lord willing I will someday meet some of you and eventually most of you.
    Want to hear God laugh? Tell him Your plans!!!

  5. #5


    I had the opportunity to meet some of the poeple in this community at the East Tennessee Gathering this year. Let me tell you, they are as nice in person as they are on this forum. I am not the most "social" guy and often shy away from new situations but these guys (and gals) were great. I walked into the "meet and greet" the first night and it was like a room full of friends. I think Warren was the first to come and say hello and we immediatley started talking about fishing. I was actaully asked if I wanted to cast a brand new fly rod that weekend...where else in this world would someone let you "play" with their new toy the day they bought it?

    I am thankful for the people I have met on this forum and in person.


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