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Thread: whiting hen hackles?

  1. #1

    Default whiting hen hackles?

    any idea of why Whiting Hen hackle prices have skyrocketed in the last few years?

    A few years ago I had a hard time finding them in Colorado, esp with any selection.

    Now I see them at my local shop, but the prices have gone up quite a bit.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Beacon Falls, CT


    Now you're talking my language. I consider them a great item. I used to use Metz hen hackles for soft hackles, dry fly wings and even smaller Palmer wound Bugger type flies. I liked their softer texture and their rounder tips for the dry wings. When first trying the Whiting hen necks I noted the great advantage of having longer feathers for a given barb length. (Super + for Palmer winding). I think the demand is increasing.
    You should also try Whiting American hen necks for streamer wings. I really like their shape.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Carmel, ME USA


    If your set on using Whiting products and you using them for hackling soft hackles and flymphs, try the Hebert Miner line of hen. Aren't they now being sold as a hen set, cape and saddle together for the higher price? I may be wrong on that.

    Happiness is wading boots that never have a chance to dry out.

  4. #4
    Normand Guest


    maybe its just the costs dr whiting is incurring raising these birds

    somebody has to pay for the increased costs of the utilities, bird feeds etc etc etc

  5. #5
    Cold Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Eagle Elk View Post
    If your set on using Whiting products and you using them for hackling soft hackles and flymphs, try the Hebert Miner line of hen. Aren't they now being sold as a hen set, cape and saddle together for the higher price? I may be wrong on that.

    REE's got it. My FLFS's take on it was that maybe one (of necks or saddles) was selling much quicker than the other, leaving them with an overstock of the other, so instead, they're just selling both in the same packaging. Yes, it's a higher price, but looking at the glass half full, even that price is cheaper than buying the two separately. Sure, you're being forced to buy something you didn't really want (Microsoft, anyone?) but really, how many times can you say that you don't want a beautiful hen neck or saddle with a straight face?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Northfield, Vermont


    I've got some of the Whiting hen hackles but more and more I really prefer Denny's stuff. But I will say when family asks my wife what kind of feathers can we get him for Christmas it's getting more and more " Give him a feather IOU" I place the order and send them the particulars and they get it for me, but some just buy them and I add them to the rest You can never have too many feathers.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Northern California


    Quote Originally Posted by Fatman View Post
    I've got some of the Whiting hen hackles but more and more I really prefer Denny's stuff...[snip]
    Always surprised when I hear this, because I've tried both, and Whiting clearly is the superior product. Now granted it is a closer race when comparing hen saddles/capes, but no contest when discussing dry fly hackle. Whiting's feathers pretty much rule the market these days, as long as you can afford it...

    Back to the original topic, I too have been shocked about how expensive Whiting's hen capes have gotten, and would be curious if anyone had a concrete answer. Just 8 years ago, the silver grade capes were $9-11, and now they are as much as $33 at Hook and Hackle (although that includes the saddles). If you look around and find someone selling just the cape, they are still well over $20/cape. Price in other words has more than doubled in just 8 years. A pretty dramatic increase in cost must have cropped up over the years, but no idea what.

  8. #8


    Lets see, the cost of fertilizer is out of site because that is made with petroleum. Electricity is up because much of it is made with, what? Transportation cost are up. Ther are not as many cheap laborers as there were in the past

    Although I have not used any of Conranch's necks so I can't compare but I like both Collins and Hebert Miner hen.

  9. #9
    Jim Slattery Guest


    Whiting has lowered the price on Hen Capes to $20.00 a price reduction of $2.00. The prices went up due to the Oil and grain price explosion a couple of years ago.
    The Hen Sets are no longer the only way to get Hen from Whiting. They were a marketing disaster, why would anyone pay $30.00 for Hen hackle? The Capes and saddles didn't match to boot. Thankfully that ill concieved idea was put to a quite rest.
    Hebert is my first choice for flymphs as well.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Carmel, ME USA


    Thank goodness for that, Jim. My supply of Hebert Minor hens is getting thin, especially in the size 14 area of the necks. Lovely feathers for hackling wee wet flies. Talk to you soon.

    Happiness is wading boots that never have a chance to dry out.

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