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Thread: Does anyone else cast backwards?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Norman, OK (via Iowa, South Dakota, Nebraska & Ohio)

    Default Does anyone else cast backwards?

    I tend to fish in areas where I don't have a lot of area behind me where my back cast won't get snagged on trees and other debris.

    Consequently I have taken to facing the trees/bushes that are behind me, guiding my line/fly into the open slots in the brush then turning forward for my last cast to guide it to the spot on the water where I want to place my fly.

    It's not foolproof as far as final placement on the water - but I don't hang up on my back cast at all. I must admit that it looks goofy because it appears that I'm casting into the trees.

    Does anyone else do this???
    Thank God for my wife, the midge nymph and those hapless Iowa Hawkeyes!

  2. #2
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    Would anyone else admit it if they did?

    Whatever works, my friend, whatever works.

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  3. #3
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    I have done that when the situation calls for it. Not often and not as a standard rule of thumb. But, when you have some water you want to cast to and you can only reach it with a long cast and there is only a small slot open behind you, then yes, it is a very acceptable way of casting.

    Larry ---sagefisher---

  4. #4


    Yep , forced to do it alot, or when the need arrives. Its not gonna hurt to teach yourself to cast with the opposite hand also.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Lakeland, FL USA


    I certainly do that when the conditions call for that approach. While I may sacrafice some accuracy in my forward cast, I'm not spending all of my time trying to retreive my fly from the branches of a tree.

    Jim Smith

  6. #6
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    lorain, ohio


    Yep---When casting from a boat, I use it when I have right shoulder wind (casting right handed) and put the backcast downwind so it doesnt end up over the boat or on me.
    "She had hooks to make a fish think twice!" ---Chris Smither-"Lola"

  7. #7


    Quite often. I often fish narrow streams, where the only way to cast is either sidearm or at an angle (halfway between overhead and sidearm), so as to keep my fly over the water and out of the brush. Usually, it's much easier to cast backwards than it is to try to cross the stream so that I can turn my body.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Spring Hill, ks


    I usually don't do it to avoid brush, but since my backcast has more power than the forward stroke, I use it a lot when fishing into the wind. And yes, I get weird looks from folks who see me apparently casting at the bank.
    If it swims and eats, it'll eat a fly.

  9. #9


    I keep my elbow in - pointing forward - that way I can make a very high back cast above bushes, then begin my forward cast well before the line unrolls.
    (I don't want the line to start to fall.)

    If I have to cast between high trees I look behind me - without turning my shoulders - aim my back cast, then and watch itt unroll.

    I guess anyway that gets you there is fine.


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Rothschild (Wausau), Wisconsin


    Quote Originally Posted by jimmadsen View Post
    I tend to fish in areas where I don't have a lot of area behind me where my back cast won't get snagged on trees and other debris.

    Consequently I have taken to facing the trees/bushes that are behind me, guiding my line/fly into the open slots in the brush then turning forward for my last cast to guide it to the spot on the water where I want to place my fly.

    Does anyone else do this???
    I do it a bit differently. I am a right handed caster. To pantomime what I do, grab a pencil or pen in your right hand and hold it like you would your rod handle. Do what I describe. You are now facing your computer screen.

    I place my body so that it is parallel to rather than facing my target. So imagine that your left side is toward the bushes. Your right side then is toward the water and where you what the fly delivered.

    Turn your head to the left toward the "bushes" and make a cross body forward cast to your left. When you make this cast, the pen/pencil (rod handle) and the palm of your casting hand is toward you and you can see your fingernails. you have just made a forward cast into the slot between the bushes.

    Now turn your head to your right and spot your target area on the water. After the rod stop on the cast to the left, rotate your rod hand so that your palm faces away from you. Now make another forward cross body cast to your right.

    By placing your body parallel to the casting plane and rotating your hand between what would normally be a forward and backcast, you can make TWO FORWARD cross body casts.

    You accuracy will improve because you deliver both casts with a forward casting motion AND you do not need to rotate you body between cast to see the target zone on the backcast delivery.


    "Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought"..........Szent-Gyorgy

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