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Thread: Alpaca etc

  1. #1

    Default Alpaca etc

    I have recently been searching for Camel Dubbing on the net.
    I found two sources, one of the sources also supply Alpaca
    and several rare sheep breed wools - Hebridean, Soay, Manx and Gotland.
    Has anyone experience using Alpaca or the rare sheep wools?
    Donald Nicolson (Scotland)


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Littleton, Colorado
    Blog Entries


    I have a cousin who gives me alpaca all the time. I think I have a lifetime supply.

    Just use it like any other dubbing. It's only a little spikier than Poodle.

    Be careful how you live. You may be the only Bible some person ever reads.

  3. #3


    I've seen a sand crab pattern for fishing the surf that used alpaca or llama and it looked great. I've been looking for some to see if I can't mimic that pattern as well as come up with other uses.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Camillus, NY


    I live near two alpaka farms - one here in Camillus NY and the other south of here in Marathon NY. Went to visit the site in Marathon and they not only bres/raised the animals but also had a farm store with all sorts of alpaca wool products. One they liked to sell were craft packs - think of a gallon ziplock bag cut in half - of the loose wool for 2$ per. I was looking through the bin and one of the owners came up and asked if I was a crafter. I explained I was a fly tyer and that I was looking for the most varied bags they had - the bags had 1 to 4 colors per bag. I explained that even the 4 color bag would last me a VERY long time. She went to the back and came back with a 5 color bag with white, 2 greys, two nice browns and black. I went to pay her and she refused telling me to have fun - she did mention that the sherrif that lived nearby and one of their neighbors were fly fisherman. I ended up tying about a dozen each of 6 patterns and delivered them on my next visit. It's fun material to work with. If you would like my Marathon contact feel free to PM me. I'm sure if you explain what you are using the material for they could help you out - also, if you want, ask for a single color white bag - the material takes a dye very well. FYI - alpaca's come in 11 different natual colors. This farm has many dyed colors as well. Wordy but I hope this helps.

  5. #5


    I've had good results with my Mardi-paca fly tied from Mardi-gras beads and alpaca.


    " Fishermen, hunters, wood choppers, and others,
    spending their lives in the fields and woods,
    in a peculiar sense a part of Nature themselves,
    are often in a more favorable mood for observing her,
    in the intervals of their pursuits,
    than philosophers or poets even,
    who approach her with expectation."

    Henry David Thoreau

  6. #6


    Donald, my wife is a knitter and i get all kinds of stuff from mink to Alpaca. Alpaca raw fur holds air bubbles so you will need to weight the hook, i use it spun in a loop on lots of large flies in the thorax ,head area, it makes a a killer varigated fly.
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  7. #7
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    I have been using it to tie "hares ear" type flies.wWorks very well for me for that.


  8. #8


    Here is the site with the most varied selection of unspun furs -

    Note, I have not used any yet, except for Camel which I liked.

    I also like the prospect shown of Loch Sunart.
    Last edited by Donald Nicolson; 10-01-2010 at 07:38 AM.
    Donald Nicolson (Scotland)


  9. #9


    Donald , I am just going to restate something here, pure wool floats , at least sheeps wool and alpaca does . Thats why the critters can stay out in the rain.You must use weight when usiing the above blends of yarn. For a best guess what you have is to put some in a cup of water.
    Please, support Project Healing Waters....Thank You

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Lincolnton, NC


    A lady that I work with at school has a small alpaca farm. I thought that the wool might be a good tying material but haven't gotten my hands on the stuff yet. Alpaca poo sure grows stuff well in the garden though!

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