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Thread: Now to the nuerosurgeons.

  1. #11


    nighthawk... luckily we live in a time where the medical industry can do some pretty miraculous things. I should know after having a 9.7 CM abdominal aortal aneurism fixed this June through small incisions, a brain aneurism filled with platinum coils through a small incision (instead of then opening my thick skull and performing brain surgery, much to the chagrin of the would-be surgeon) and back surgery years ago that toltally repaired a very messed-up back.
    I hope and pray all is well after the surgery and we get some good fishing reports out of you once healed.

  2. #12


    Praying for your healing Eric.

    US Veteran and concerned citizen

  3. #13


    I understand buddy.... Just do what you can, and enjoy what you can, so you can be thankful for it.
    "We do not inherit the earth; we borrow it from our children."

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Fort Worth, TX USA



    Good luck with the doctors and I hope they are able to help you with this. I did want to mention one of my coworkers injured his back several years ago. Surgery wasn't an option, but the pain got increasingly worse and he was eventually on so much pain medication he almost couldn't think straight. He finally found a doctor who suggested a Medtronic pain pump. This is an implanted device which delivers timed doses of medication directly to the affected area. This ensures your brain isn't affected by the medication, but does provide relief. Today he can pretty much do everything he did prior to the injury and does so without pain. So depending on what the doctors say you may want to see a pain management specialist and see if they can provide you with similar relief.

    "My father was very sure about certain matters pertaining to the universe. To him, all good things - trout as well as eternal salvation - come by grace and grace comes by art and art does not come easy." Norman Maclean, A River Runs Through It

  5. #15



    i also feel your pain, i hurt my back in june - 3 ruptured discs in the lumbar region. i take vicadin daily to control the pain along with the ibuprofen. i'm scheduled for pain injections into the spine at the end of the month, hope they work, if not then it's surgery.

    good luck


  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    You and Amy are continuing to be Kept in Our Prayers.

  7. #17


    Prayers from here to Eric, hope you take a camera with you hiking, when you pause for breaks I bet you can get some great shots...
    "Because by the Grace of God I can, be on a beautiful mountain stream with a friend , have the water boil from a 12" Native Brookie taking a self tyed dry,and feel it on the end of my cane... It don't get no better than that..."

  8. #18
    nighthawk Guest


    Thanks folks for all of the advice and support. It is very kind of everyone.

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