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Thread: trico trouble

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Portage, PA

    Default trico trouble

    i fished 2 different streams the past 2 days. there were spinner falls but no trout rose to them. i saw the spinners on the streams with my own 2 eyes. has anybody else ever had this experience?

  2. #2


    tricos are my favorite bug, also the most madening. 2 things i would look for, how much rainfall fell in the last 24 hrs. Most importantly the water temperature of where you were. . The fish may have fed on the emerging females in the wee hours of the morning. its all part of the puzzle.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Lancaster, NY, USA


    I saw it a lot, last season. Worst trico fishing in years! The bugs were there but the fish weren't. I think flybugpa is exactly right, with respect to the water conditions. It's been pretty hot, so the fish are probably feeding on the emergers, early in the AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Coeur d'Alene, ID


    Trico's tend to hatch when the air temp hits 60 degrees. We found this to be true on the North Branch of Michigan's Au Sable river in early July. The first day it was around 50 when we got in and had some good luck with Patriots even when the hatch started. It was a don't breath with your mouth kind of hatch!! When the spinner fall started the fishing was outstanding!!

    The next day it was warmer when we got there and the hatch started just about when we got in the water. This time they were eating emergers and when the spinner fall started they just about ignored it!!

    Both days it was size 22's if you wanted to catch anything.

  5. #5


    I am already IN the water at daybreak, down here i am using #26's, we had water temps @ 72 degrees. fish shut down. Get a fish tank thermometer for cheap and it will give you a ball park figure to help solve this problem
    Please, support Project Healing Waters....Thank You

  6. #6


    Surface feeding for Trico s can be the most maddening of all:^) One day to the next it changes. And some seasons a particular water will show none at all. Guarantee you though....they are still feeding on at least one stage. Keep at it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Portage, PA


    Quote Originally Posted by flybugpa View Post
    I am already IN the water at daybreak, down here i am using #26's, we had water temps @ 72 degrees. fish shut down. Get a fish tank thermometer for cheap and it will give you a ball park figure to help solve this problem
    Hi All: The temperature on boths streams was between 62 to 64 degrees. There were thunderstorms all around Central, PA on Thursday and Friday. I live 35 miles from one stream and 80 from the other. Maybe they got hit with the storms. I thought the temps were very good. The male spinners I saw on the water looked tobe size 24 and 26.

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