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Thread: Orvis Zero Gravity

  1. #1

    Default Orvis Zero Gravity

    Thinking of buying a Zero Gravity 9* AFTM6 tip flex. They don't come out in the UK until April, has anyone used one and if so are they as good as they claim?
    I'll use it for loch fishing from drifting boats in the main.
    I've an Orvis Ultimate just now, 10*6", but its full flex makes it hard to subdue decent sized fish, however the soft rod means I can fish very light leaders and not get broken.
    Any helpful advice welcome.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    kansas city,mo.


    i've been flyfishing exclusively for just a little over a year, so take this with a grain of salt. actually took a class from a certified instructor and one of the rods used was a zero gravity 9' 5 wt. tip flex. beautiful rod. action is very fast (to me) but i was able to make some delicate casts with it. cast it side by side with a orvis tls power matrix tip flex (same length and weight) and the zero gravity seemed a little faster to me. if i had the bucks, i'd get one.

  3. #3


    I think they are WAY to fast. That's just my opinion after 40+ years of flyfishing.


    "The memory of a fisherman is more like fiction than journalism, that is, it doesn't ignore the facts, but it is not entirely bound by them, either."

    John Gierach

  4. #4


    The 9* does only come in a tip flex 9.5 which is a fast rod. But, I worked for Orvis back when the T3 came out and they were limited to certain rods. I will bet that in years to come they will add new, different length, weights and flex. I am not familiar with the Ultimate however, can you tell me more?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Thuwal, Saudi Arabia


    I've cast them. extremely light in the hand and very accurate. I think the hype is real (but they are expensive!)

  6. #6



    It seems more and more like your an orvis fan at heart. It must be nice to try all those rods when they come out. I finally was able to try that albright XX a few weeks ago after hearing your report on them; boy you were right, wicked rod. It is tough for me to justify spending more than 300 bucks for a rod but I just may this year.

    I received the orvis catalog the other day and the zero gravity does look pretty nice but is pretty pricey.

    Who has time for stress when there are fish to catch.
    Your hooks sharp????

  7. #7


    I'm w/ Ken on this one. Just my personal preference, but I fish an old Sage 9' 4wt. LL series. Mid-flex at best. I'm able to cast a short line very delicately and the rod excels at protecting 6X/7X tippets. I was lucky enough to land a 24" brown on 6X tippet using the Sage. Had I been using 4X, I doubt the fish would've taken the little #16 PT as the water I fish quite often is gin clear and the fish are leader-shy and very wary. Also, had the rod been a tip-flex, that fish would've been GONE with its first blistering run or hard head-shake, IMHO. I realize I was a bit "under-gunned" for that particular situation, but the situation sort of warranted the light set-up.
    There is no doubt that they're wonderful rods, but every rod and action has its appropriate application. Here in the midwest for stream trout, we don't seem to see too many situations where it's necessary to punch out 75' of line.
    (I'll admit though, I was looking at the Zero Gravity reeealllly hard!!!)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    N Muskegon, MI USA


    I've cast the Zero G and was really impressed. IMHO, the fast action (tip flex) shouldn't scare you away. I like the accuracy a tip flex provides. Also, light tippets can and should be protected by responsive handling on the angler's part. Light drag settings, sensitive grip pressure, angler awareness,etc. all protect tippets too. Once again, IMHO.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Des Moines, IA


    The store I work at part time has two right now. Both 9' 5wt in a 6.5 mid flex. Nice rod. Had a chance to cast one and really liked it. Very light and accurate. If I had Micus' money I'd buy one.
    " If a man is truly blessed, he returns home from fishing to the best catch of his life." Christopher Armour

  10. #10


    Yes, Bob's correct about angler responsiveness too. I forgot to mention that a light hand was used on my Colorado "0" and proper direction and angle of pressure is more important than pressure itself.

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