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Thread: Glue,glue, and more glue, it seems like more people are tying with

  1. #1

    Default Glue,glue, and more glue, it seems like more people are tying with

    glue for most parts of the tying process beyond just head cement. In an effort to balance cost and volume where do you find super glue at the best price or is there better prices on other glues that would work as well and survive the water.
    Personally I haven't used glue other than some head cement and am still not convinced it is necessary except for some of the complicated patterns that require a lot of material which I dodge like crazy.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Port Tobacco , MD, USA


    I use brush on purple Krazy glue, goes on purple than dries clear. It's easier to see where you put it. I also trim about half the bristle off the brush prior to using so I can get the applicator in smaller spots without a lot of glue. My main use is for securing lead eyes/beadchain eyes also use it for sealing the nylon thread heads on EP baitfish patterns.

    I purchase from Walmart for less than $4.00, usually lasts about a year before drying up or getting too thick.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    neither here nor there


    Is the purple Krazy glue waterproof? I was told to get the green labeled brush on Krazy glue, with the red top, because it was waterproof. Ideas???
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Port Tobacco , MD, USA


    Hi Betty;

    I haven't had any problems with the glue failing when wet.

    I looked at the crazy glue website and couldn't find any significant difference between the purple or clear Krazy glue brush on. I even looked at the MSDS(material safety data sheet) and although the two MSDS's seem to have been created at different times, they appear quite similar. The purple does say you can loosen the glue bond of fingers with warm soapy water but, the website lists that as possible with all thier products.


  5. #5
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    I took A.K. Best to heart after reading his rationale for using clear lacquer in his new, at the time, book entitled "Production Fly Tying". As a woodturner, I used clear lacquer as a finish on some of my turnings. Having some on hand, I filled an extra 'head cement' bottle with some, and have stuck with it for about 18 years now. In my case, it is extremely cost-effective. Next in line would be 'home-made' Flexament, made by dissolving Goop (any 'flavor')* with either Toluene (Toluol) or Xylene (Xylol), both of which are readily available wherever paint is sold.

    Hope this helps.


    * By 'flavor' I am referring to the various "different" types; i.e., 'household"; "plumbers"; "marine", etc. Regardless of these labellings, it is the very same product in all of the tubes. Such labelling is simply a marketing ploy.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Woodland, CA USA


    I like the new Gorilla Super Glue. Think like Zap a Gap, but supposedly has a little rubber in it to keep it a little flexable. Don't know if it is true, but it works, and is cheap
    ‎"Trust, but verify" - Russian Proverb, as used by Ronald Reagan

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    White Bear Lake MN


    "Fake Finger Nail Adhesive", liquid CA adhesive (aka: Super Glue) in a bottle with a brush attached to the cap. While you are in the cosmetic section, check out the fake eye lashes. great tail material for nymphs........

    And since you have forsake your male "Male Mono Reputation" I like the "Sally Hansen, clear nail polish (with Teflon) which has a thinner viscosity than other nail polishes, and soaks into the thread better.

    An look to see if they have any of those metal teeth eye-lash brushes, great for clean out the underfur from your hair hackle. ~Parnelli

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    28433 N State Lamoni, Ia 50140


    I use zap-a-gap on the Goldie Jr and the boa yarn flies, becasue it makes them more durable. Have tried head cment, but it foes notwork as well.


  9. #9


    I jumped pretty hard onto the glue bandwagon years ago.

    Clear lacquer is still my favorite 'head cement', but I buy and regularly use four kinds of CA glue: thin, medium, thick, and flexible, on a lot of my flies. Epoxy also has a place, as well as Hansens and two viscosities of clear acrylic.

    I use the CA glues for holding lead in place, dumbell and bead chain eyes, palmered materials like chenile, dubbing brushes, body braids, anything that I 'wrap' around the hook and don't want it to shift around.

    Wouldn't consdier tying without it now.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Northfield, Vermont


    I used fly tying cement when I first started but if you use good half hitch's and really good whip finish's you don't need them. I know the guys tying the presentation wet flies put it on the head thread when they tie off but that's presentation.


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