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Thread: Yellow Breeches

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Waynesville, OH, USA

    Default Yellow Breeches

    A friend of mine and I have a chance to fish a couple of days on the Yellow Breeches coming up in early May. Without giving away any secrets places, do any of you all have recommendations on whether to fish upstream or down of Boiling Springs?

    My hatch charts for the area suggest Black Stone flies, BWO, Tan Caddis, Blue Quills, Hendrickson's, and Sulphers. Might be a bit early for sulphers but the weathers been a bit warmer than usual and I don't expect it will hurt to carry a few, just in case. Any other recommendations? I expect I'll have a full complement of nymphs, emergers and a box or two of streamers too.

    Also, recommendations on fly shops in the general area would be appreciated in case we need something at the last minute.

    We plan to camp at Gilford Pinchot State Park, if the weather is decent, but if you have any other recommendations on low cost, no frills accommodations that would be fine too.

    Thanks in advance folks, been looking forward for a number of years to fishing this area. Seems like the planets have finally aligned properly for us to go.
    Joe Bertolini

  2. #2


    Here's the fly shop in Boiling Springs: http://www.yellowbreeches.com/ They can give you up to date hatch info. I always fished from there downstream, but I'm sure there's lot more to fish on the Breeches. The Letort is closeby also if you want to try a different stream.

  3. #3



    Right as you leave Boiling Springs is TCO flyshop. The best place to start on the Breeches is right at Allenberry Inn. It's downstream from boiling springs on 174 on the right. They even have a fishermans parking lot as you come in and you can walk down to the stream from there. The inn is right at the barrier dam. Cross the stream below the dam and there is a lane to walk upstream. Upstream from the dam are some great holes and above that is the "run". I also do well below the dam & it's fished a bit lighter.

    I would have a variety of BWO patterns & yes some sulfur patterns if you will be hitting it for the evening hatches. If the weather warms, they may show themselves. I would have a few slate drake patterns as well. I do well with a #16 blonde EHC downstream of the dam in the riffles also. BRING YOUR MIDGE BOX. A #26 grey midge can save the day there:^) Aside from the nymphs associated with these hatches, bring some "cerise" San Juan Worms. Color is hard to find, but it makes a difference.

    For patterns you can check out my blog, and in "my fly box" you will find these patterns....they all work there: Sulfur LTD, Slate Drake LTD, May Haystack, PMD Thorax, Pheasant tail BH, BH squirrel, BLG (Breeches little green),Blonde EHC, BWO Haystack & Long Variant. All must haves in my box for the Breeches.

    Have fun....I love the Breeches.


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Woodbine, MD


    Quote Originally Posted by NJTroutbum View Post
    Right as you leave Boiling Springs is TCO flyshop.
    No, there isn't. The shop in Boiling Springs is independent. There was a TCO shop in Carlisle, but it closed after less than a year.
    Last edited by redietz; 04-30-2010 at 12:42 PM.

  5. #5


    You are right, I stand corrected. Only been in there once & driven past it a few times. Thought I recalled it being a TCO shop, but it is the Yellow Breeches Flyshop. I apologize for the misinformation.

    Last edited by NJTroutbum; 04-30-2010 at 01:58 PM. Reason: Adding a lnk

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Woodbine, MD


    I'd actually type in response to the orginal question, but it somehow disappeared. I'll try again:

    Most years early May would be between major mayfly hatches. I can't speak specifically to the Yellow Breeches, but in the general area, hatches are running a bit early this year, and there may be sulfurs by the time you get there. (I live about 90 miles away and have already seen sulfurs) If so, they'll be the larger ones, about size 14. Sulfur nymphs will definitely be present, and the fish will be aware of them.

    If you're going to fish the run, sucker spawn flies will often work. The real sucker spawning season is probably over, but you're imitating bread -- people feed the trout around there.

    As pointed out, midges are always useful on the Breeches. I like an ant as an indicator fly above the midge.

    The Breeches is full of fish (all stocked) -- and fishermen. If you're looking for wild fish or solitude, YB isn't it. You will catch fish, however.

    There are a bunch of alternative streams in the area. As mentioned above, the Letort is only about 10 minutes away. Big Spring is about 20, and Clarks Creek & Falling Spring are both about 40-45 minutes away (in opposite directions.) The shop in Boiling Springs will have directions to all of them, and conditions/suggested flies posted on their chalk board.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by alra195 View Post
    fish upstream or down of Boiling Springs?
    Downstream of Boiling Springs is the special regs area - Not 100% sure, but i think it is Delayed harvest artificial lures only, the special regs extend 1 mile downstream to the Allenberry in. Upstream of Boiling Springs is normal water.

    Pinchot is a nice state park we camp there at least once a year.


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Waynesville, OH, USA



    For patterns you can check out my blog, and in "my fly box" you will find these patterns....they all work there: Sulfur LTD, Slate Drake LTD, May Haystack, PMD Thorax, Pheasant tail BH, BH squirrel, BLG (Breeches little green),Blonde EHC, BWO Haystack & Long Variant. All must haves in my box for the Breeches.
    Great info - I'm covered on most of these patterns you recommend, even have some of the cerise San Juan's you mentioned. I'm going to have to get busy on some midges, smallest hooks I've got are 24's but I guess we can always pick a few up a the shop. Thanks, great info!


    The Letort is close by also if you want to try a different stream.
    Roger that.... we talked about giving it a go as well as some of the other streams in the area but our primary mission was to fish YB. I'd love to tread the same ground as Vince Marinaro so we'll mostly likely find our way over that direction. Appreciate the input.


    If you're looking for wild fish or solitude, YB isn't it.
    I hear you. That's not the focus on this trip. We've got lots of places in West Virginia and Western PA we fish to "get away", this one is a life list trip. We reality want to be able to say 'been there, done that'. Also I appreciate your info on the hatches to expect. I like the idea of the "ant" as a "midge" indicator. Thanks for the input!


    The artificial lures only thing would be consistent with other DHA's I've fished in PA so that make sense. Thanks for the endorsement of GP State Park. Glad to hear it's a good place to throw down for a couple of days.

    Really appreciate everyones time in responding to this one. I've got to get to the desk and tie some flies. I'll post a report on the trip when after the fun is over!
    Joe Bertolini

  9. #9


    Looking forward to reading your report Joe.....good luck!
    Last edited by NJTroutbum; 05-02-2010 at 03:06 AM. Reason: Fat fingers

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