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Thread: Some reviews for Allen & Co products

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    Default Some reviews for Allen & Co products

    I keep checking on their website. They add new products often. In the reviews below, I'll often state the prices are good. They are. I don't have them memorized, and I suppose they are subject to change as well, so instead of telling you how much stuff costs, you can check for yourself on their website:

    Over the winter I had purchased a number of items from them. The prices were too good to pass up.
    Now I've had some time to actually use most of what I've bought from them, so I thought I would share my opinions.
    Full disclosure: I'm not an employee, stock-holder, or have any affiliation whatsoever with Allen & Co. I'm just a customer.
    The XL reels:
    I've bought the 5/6 and 7/8 sizes. I haven't put much time on the 7/8 yet, but have used the 5/6 quite a bit. I like these reels! No complaints, no hassles...just a good-looking solid reel at a good price. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend these (and in fact, I have).
    I've also bought extra spools, and these have all fit just as well as the originals (as they should!).
    Also, I've switched the retrieve direction (from right-hand to left-hand) on a couple of the spools, and have to say that this is a very easy and straightforward procedure with no special tools required.
    They recently came out with a Trout Series reel, which is similar to the XL, but looks maybe even nicer, and apparently is manufactured with even thicker gauge metal(?) than the XL. There may be a difference in spool diameter/capacity as well, but don't quote me on that. The XL is a solid reel...so the Trout reel I assume would be even MORE so.
    Their "flagship" reel is their Alpha series. I haven't tried that one.
    The fly lines:
    I've used the WFF lines. These are GOOD lines! I'm using these on several of the reels I use frequently, and again, no complaints! To be honest, for the price I expected junk. But these really are good lines!
    I have also bought the sinking lines, but have not yet used them.
    I don't know if this product is even on their website yet, but had commented to Justin at Allen & Co that the orange backing line was getting harder to find. He got some in, so I tried it. It is a hollow-core woven braid type of material. Not sure exactly...may be some sort of nylon braid monofilament? Feels very durable. Its a bit thicker in diameter, and stiffer, than the Cortland Micron, or S&A's version...so I like those other brands better, but those are the ones that are getting harder to find in the orange color I like. Allen & Co's backing serves its purpose, and probably won't ever mold or mildew. Since it is hollow and braided, there's an interesting technique one could use to connect the backing to the fly line by inserting the fly line into the braid, and securing with adhesive. I dunno, I saw it somewhere and its supposed to be a pretty solid connection.
    I have reviewed the hooks on here before. I like them. You get a lot for your money. Good variety of styles and sizes to choose from.
    Neoprene Fly Reel pouch:
    Velcro closure. They work fine, and are affordable.
    Hook Sharpeners/Hones:
    There's two sizes of the slab-style with rubber-coated handle. Looks like diamond dust embedded inthe steel. There are also pen-style sharpeners. They all have a groove down them for sharpening those tricky sides of the hook. They work well, and so I got some to put on my fly-tying bench, as well as to take with me when I go fishing.
    Fly Boxes:
    There are two styles. There's a two-sided waterproof box with clear lids on each side, and slotted foam on the inside. I really like this box. Similar boxes from others sell for much more.

    The other box I believe is also waterproof. It has a solid black plastic lid. There's tons of room in this one. It also has slotted foam. And it has a two-sided "middle page" for flies, too. I have to admit, the middle page seems kind of flimsy...like its a really thin plastic maybe? But, if that middle page doesn't hold up, you can easily remove it and still have a good solid box with flies on the insides of both covers.
    Anyway, the latch and everything on this box seems very good, its just that flimsy-feeling middle page that makes me double-take. I admit I haven't started loading either of the boxes with flies yet, I've only looked them over, and they are waiting patiently on my fly-tying desk.

    For the money, you really can't go wrong with either of them.
    Rucksack Vest:
    I admit I probably didn't need to buy this...but the price! I'm sure our wives will understand the logic in this. ("it was on SALE, I HAD to buy it!!"). I tried it on. I wear XL size shirts...I'm 6'2", 210lbs. To get the feel I wanted, I tightened most of the straps down almost all the way. I haven't loaded anything in this vest yet, so once loaded it may fit differently and I can loosen the straps if needed. It is COMFORTABLE! It looks great, and literally has pockets EVERYWHERE! The one I bought even has removable pockets...meaning you can unzip some of the double+ pockets and zip on a single pocket (included) if you typically don't need all the extra space. It has a backpack-style back, which would be a great place to tuck in a rainsuit if you're gonna be far from your vehicle all day. It is also set up to work with the hydration pouch systems, apparently. This pack is very similar to a popular fly-fishing manufacturer's pack, but costs a lot less.
    Net-Keeper Magnet:
    This thing is cool! I attached one end to the back of the new Rucksack Vest. When you get the other magnet anywhere near the first one, it will turn itself over (if needed) to perfectly reconnect. You attach the other end to your net, of course. It comes with a length of bungy-cord, to. I think that cord might come in handier if you were to use this to attach your net your your canoe/kayak/boat/float tube, but I don't often fish with a net & vest, so I have to admit I'm not totally clued in to whether you'd want the bungy cord for wading or not?

    I think that's everything I've bought from there. Overall, my experience has been very good. If they don't have what I want in stock they usually just e-mail me and let me know when they expect it to come in.
    Last edited by FishnDave; 04-28-2010 at 06:04 PM. Reason: adding for clarity
    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

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