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Thread: pet trout that return when you whistle

  1. #1

    Default pet trout that return when you whistle

    A game warden finds a man at a popular trout fishing spot with two dozen
    trout swimming in a bucket. "That's way over the limit," he
    says. "You're under arrest."

    "But officer, please," the man says, "these are my pet fish from home. I
    just bring them down here to let them swim free once a week.
    When I whistle, they all come back and get into the bucket to go home."
    "I don't believe it," says the warden. "Show me."

    The man promptly dumps the trout into the stream and gazes after them as
    they swim away.

    After a minute, the warden says, "OK, how long?"

    "How long what?" says the man.

    "How long till you call the fish back?"

    "What fish?"

  2. #2


    ive seen that on another board, thats too funny. damn poachers outsmarting the wardens. i would pay too see that in real life it would be hilarious

  3. #3


    Pete, I'VE BEEN ROBBED!! LOL still too funny. Jamie
    Take a Kid Fishing. HECK, take ME Fishing(and my kids,LOL)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Idaho Falls, Idaho


    OK. You asked for it!!

    A gamewarden in a small town, on the edge of a lake, had it pretty easy controlling things in the sparsely populated area. That is until Jock moved to town. Every day he would go out in his boat, and every day he'd come back with his limit of large fish. "Nobody can be that good, or that lucky", the gamewarden told himself. He could never catch him breaking the law, but knew something was "fishy"(pun intended). He found Jock at the local tavern, struck up a conversation and bought him a couple of drinks. They got chummy, and Jock invited him to go fishing with him the next day. He arrived bright and early and they set out to fish. Right away the Warden knew something was wrong, because Jock had no rods or anything else that looked like gear. They dropped anchor, and Jock lit up a cigar. He then reache into a bag, pulled out a stick of dynamite, lit it with the cigar, and tossed it over the side. KABOOM. Fish started floating to the surface, and JOck started gathering up the best ones. The game warden presented his badge, and informed Jock that he was a game warden. Jock casually reached into the bag, lit up another stick of dynamite, handed it to the Warden and said,"Did you come to talk or fish"?
    They're just fish, right? Right?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    East Bridgewater,Ma USA


    Somebody trained my trout to swim up in to the tribs and hide under branches when they hear my truck door open....

  6. #6


    I laughed so hard, my face began to hurt.

    Enjoying life in the North Idaho Panhandle....Psalm 91
    Exploring the waters of western Montana...

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