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Thread: what hackle should I buy?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Greenville, South Carolina

    Default what hackle should I buy?

    Many hackle companies claim their product is the best. But they can't all be the best. I would like an unbiased comparison review from personal experience on what hackle company I should use. Don't regarding price. What company has the hackle that is truly top quality.

    Thanks in advance

    Fishin' squirt,
    Michael E.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Stevensville, MI


    I searched the archives here to give you some reading material:
    I would not presume to tell you what hackle you should buy, and you will never get an unbiased comparison from me for I form an opinion which would preclude that from being unbiased as it would only be based on my limited (I am only one person) experience. Also I have only tied a few thousand flies and have never tied commercially (I would starve). BUT for me I would recommend Conranch Hackle, a sponsor here.

    There, I bit.

  3. #3


    Conranch , Whiting
    Please, support Project Healing Waters....Thank You

  4. #4


    I like Collins hackle and Whiting. I can't say anything about Conrach as I have never seen one. If you are looking for great Dun's the Whiting Hebert line are very good. I used to tie with Metz but I don't care for them any longer and have sold what I had.

  5. #5
    Cold Guest


    I tie with Whiting. Never been disappointed yet. Just got a new midge saddle a few weeks back...been tying 22s and 24s with great results.

  6. #6


    Conranch. Period. Enough said.
    Exploring the waters of western Montana...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Nunica Mi U S A


    The truth is that all of the genetic hackle is much better than the Indian necks I learned on. If you have access to a fly shop get an experienced tyer to help you select hackle there. If not I would also reconmend Conranch because you can call and talk to Denny about what you are tying and let him select for you based on your needs. If you order from a big box they will just send the one on top of the pile.
    I can think of few acts more selfish than refusing a vaccination.

  8. #8
    Normand Guest


    whiting farms. period.

  9. #9


    Much prefer Whiting.
    Mark 1:17

  10. #10


    I don't think brand matters really as long as you get one of the major producers mentioned above. The bigger question is what form to buy the feathers. Neck, saddle, 100 packs?? . . . That's my dilemma. I think from now in, I'll be buying the Whiting 100 packs. I don't tie enough dries in different sizes for a whole neck to make sense for me.
    Trout, Bass, Carp, Whatever!

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