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Thread: New Look....No Like

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    West Tennessee


    Haste to say it looks kinda 'generic'. But I will get used to it.
    Good fishing technique trumps all.....wish I had it.

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Rock Springs, Wyo., USA


    I believe it is time for everyone to CHILL!!!!!!

    Whether you like the new or not, the admin. is working on it. Already I have noticed that a lot of the stuff is much sharper, clearer, easier to see, etc.
    Has anyone thought of the fact that this change may be for the better in that it may take less space in the servers thus be CHEAPER for the sight to maintain??
    I am not one to like a lot of change but I know it is a part of life, LIKE IT OR NOT.

    Haveing said that , life goes on and we adjust, adapt, or choose just what changes you want to accept, and reject the rest.
    Please take a deep breath and really think over what you are about to do or write and look deep into your heart to see if it is really something you want to do.

    Thank you,


  3. #93
    Bass_Bug Guest


    Come on people!!! First of all stop the name calling. I'm assuming everyone here is a grown adult?? Start acting like it, or go play on the Sesame Street forum!!!!

    As for the white background? I use all the Office apps daily (Word, Excel, VISIO etc) and they ALL have a white background, so what???. Who would have thought that folks would b1tch about black text on a white background.

    Just remember the MOST important point! and that your opinion is only worth what you paid for the product! So UNLESS you're a financial contributor to FAOL......shut the h3ll up about the color choices and get over it.

  4. #94


    What's going on with the changes in the Bulletin Board is kind of like changing the paint color in a bedroom, or putting a new fridge in the kitchen, or rearranging the furniture in the living room. Doesn't really mean anything in the big picture and for the long pull.

    What does matter is remembering why we all come here, and being civil when we participate, and especially when we have different points of view about "stuff," whatever it happens to be.

    The fish are always right.

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Nunica Mi U S A


    I hope we have the pesonal attaks ended now and I would like to address Nighthawk's origional statement. I've been there where I have struggled to just keep going through illness. Things that might be an irittant at another time seem like pesonal attacks on your failing energies. I think he is right to just back off on this board until Ron Tidd has sacrificed enough worms or performed whatever alchemy he does to fix the bright background. I'll be happy to see him return when the update is completed or he when is well enough to handle the bright background without pain. Hopefully both will occur quickly.
    I can think of few acts more selfish than refusing a vaccination.

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Nashville, TN. USA
    Blog Entries


    I hastily concede that I haven't read many posts in this thread, but I'm going to shoot my keyboard off anyway. I was also quite contented to surf FAOL under the Old Look. Having said that, I have no problem with FAOL, The New Look. If nothing else, Miss Betty is batting her eyelashes more. That's always a plus! Things change. That's life. My favorite streams change. Sometimes changes are sudden and dramatic. Sometimes they are very slow in happening. In the computer world, things change too. In June Microsfot is dropping support of Windows 2000. I don't know what platform and software supports FAOL, but that it one possible reason for the change. HTML is fading from use, XTML is the standard now. Cascading Stylesheets are de rigeur for websites now. One might be happy to stay with MS DOS 3.12 and need nothing else to do their work, play the games that they like, and go out on line. But eventually the old PC fails and then something new must replace it. FAOL is a commercial site and there are things which MUST be done to keep it reliable and available for the benefit of us, the users. We might wish that it would never change, but it will. When you have a small, dark cloud over your head because of the change, take it as a sign of just how much you like the place. Be glad that it is here for us.


    P.S. One of the things that I was trying to say is that change might not have happened just for the sake of change, but because it HAD to occur to keep FAOL up and stable.

  7. #97


    Quote Originally Posted by JohnScott View Post
    What's going on with the changes in the Bulletin Board is kind of like changing the paint color in a bedroom, or putting a new fridge in the kitchen, or rearranging the furniture in the living room. Doesn't really mean anything in the big picture and for the long pull.

    What does matter is remembering why we all come here, and being civil when we participate, and especially when we have different points of view about "stuff," whatever it happens to be.

    Excellent point! When you think about it, it is just nice to have a place to come to and talk with folks who share my interest in fly fishing.
    Trout don't speak Latin.

  8. #98


    My only complaint is a holdover from the last board...I wish the default was for an expanded thread view...just me.
    "And look at Elias Wonder. Yeah, take a gander at that buzzard. Forty years ago he was happy, generous, charitable, tall, dark and handsome. Then he took up the fly rod. Now consider him. Uglier than fresh road kill. Evil-eyed, cantankerous, sullen, mean. An anti-social misfit that causes a groundswell of spleen wherever he goes."
    -- Harry Middleton

  9. #99
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Middle Tennessee


    Well put Ed. and all good information you have pointed out.

    Quote Originally Posted by EdD View Post
    I hastily concede that I haven't read many posts in this thread, but I'm going to shoot my keyboard off anyway. I was also quite contented to surf FAOL under the Old Look. Having said that, I have no problem with FAOL, The New Look. If nothing else, Miss Betty is batting her eyelashes more. That's always a plus! Things change. That's life. My favorite streams change. Sometimes changes are sudden and dramatic. Sometimes they are very slow in happening. In the computer world, things change too. In June Microsfot is dropping support of Windows 2000. I don't know what platform and software supports FAOL, but that it one possible reason for the change. HTML is fading from use, XTML is the standard now. Cascading Stylesheets are de rigeur for websites now. One might be happy to stay with MS DOS 3.12 and need nothing else to do their work, play the games that they like, and go out on line. But eventually the old PC fails and then something new must replace it. FAOL is a commercial site and there are things which MUST be done to keep it reliable and available for the benefit of us, the users. We might wish that it would never change, but it will. When you have a small, dark cloud over your head because of the change, take it as a sign of just how much you like the place. Be glad that it is here for us.


    P.S. One of the things that I was trying to say is that change might not have happened just for the sake of change, but because it HAD to occur to keep FAOL up and stable.
    Born to Fish...Forced to Work !

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