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Thread: Lunch with Harold

  1. #1

    Default Lunch with Harold

    Just returned from a lunch meeting with Harold Hattaway. We satisfied a mutual longing for Bison cheeseburgers, here on the edge of paradise.

    Here's the scoop from one end of the horse. Harold is very determined to continue toward his impending and expected remission. His treatments are cutting edge and do cause a tremendous amount of fatigue. Those of you with personal or family experience will understand.

    He looks good in his new shortened hair style. The big smile I associate with his face was there and stayed there most of the time. The good humor and high energy he had when I first met him are still there.

    He's very appreciative of all the support and good wishes that he receives from this forum. So, if you have been sending him e-mail, personal notes, or contacting him in other ways, you are contributing to his recovery. He may not have time or energy to answer every bit of commo but he enjoys them all.

    He showed me a box of flies RonMT sent him. Nice work, Ron, quite a worthy gift.

    Those of you who plan on attending the FL fish-in will be able to fish with Harold. Count on it. That alone is reason to attend.
    SaltydancingDave's hard work in organizing this year's event is going to provide a fantastic gathering.

    You can determine for yourself which way the horse was facing at lunch.

    aka Cap'n Yid.
    Stev Lenon Trout Ski, 91B20 '68-'69
    When the dawn came up like thunder

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2001
    McKinney TX USA
    Blog Entries


    yes indeed. thank you so much! How fortunate to be close enough to have lunch with Harold from time to time!

    Harold, if you are reading this, howdy!!

    IM = robinrhyne@hotmail.com

  3. #3


    Thank you Steve, Harold?s from the old school, when the ships were made out of wood and the pirates were made of steel.


    Excus my spelling and gramma, I hooked Mondays and Fridays so I could Hunt or fish.
    Excuse my spelling and grammar, I hooked Mondays and Fridays to either fish or hunt.

  4. #4


    Happy to be able to pass on a good report about a friend afflicted with an evil disease.

    Harold is one of those people that you take an instant liking to, who will give you the shirt off his back and buy you a second one if you need it. Friends like him are few and far between. I don't see him as often as I would like and perhaps as often as he would like. But I won't visit when he is not feeling up to snuff as immunosuppressed patients don't need other people hauling in outside bacteria and viruses to add to their burden. But Harold knows that he has only to call.

    He's more than a friend, more than even a fishing and fly tying buddy. He's a comrade in arms. Keep up the good wishes and prayers for him. I saw marked improvement today from the way he looked and talked the last time we got together.

    aka Cap'n Yid.
    Stev Lenon Trout Ski, 91B20 '68-'69
    When the dawn came up like thunder

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    Great news! Thanks for the update. Of course, Harold is constantly in our prayers from here in Ohio.

    This site's about sharing!
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  6. #6


    Hi everyone;

    Stev and I really had a good time with the aged luncheon. Stev brought me some new flies he is tying and they look wonderful. He is becoming a great fly tyer.
    He is right our friendship has been forged in fire. For those of you that do not know Stev has constant pain. He and I make a great fly fishing team. We constantly watch out for each other. Stev was a Nam Medic and knows much about medicine. In fact he explained to me in terms I could understand why the doctors were so worried about the reaction I had. It was not pretty and made me realize how fragile I was at that time. It really explains why I was so weak and sick.

    I feel like I draw strength from Stev, he is right we do not spend near enough time together he nudged me a little yesterday so that in the future I might be able to play more and work less. He is a friend that can look you in the eye and tell you the truth. Any wonder I collect friends.

    I am glad Stev mentioned that I am doing and looking better. Even with no hair I am still chasing the nurses, and having a great time. It is funny one of our major subjects for conversation yesterday was "Casting for Recovery" I am going to try to find out if there is a chapter in this area... I know it is just another way for me to flirt with the girls...

    I do not remember if I thank and bragged on RonMT's flies but I do want to thank Ron for the gift and to tell him that he is amazing, he also gave me a great fly box to go with the flies. Thanks Ron.

    To the rest of you I do appreacite the prayers and the e-mail. If you do not hear from me for a few days it is the chemo not the cancer. My strength is coming back and in fact we have been discussing some strength training. Some of you have met my son Philip he will be my trainer so you know I have a strong big helper. Walking is all I have been doing, I kind of walk, I have a pretty model walk the parks with me and I take her picture a lot.
    It works out pretty good, I have a bunch of models that work with me, the doctors said I could exercise as long as someone was there to watch over me. So my wife walks with me when she is free and the models take care of me the rest of the time.

    Next time Stev and I go out for our cheese burgers (bison rules) we will take you all with us.

    Have a wonderful day


    [This message has been edited by Harold Hattaway (edited 24 January 2006).]

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Gilbert, Iowa, USA


    HH, I've got to find a way to spend some time with you! Your attitude is inspirational. Keep it up. On second thought maybe I shouldn't, my wife may not let me live long if I pick up your habit of spending lots of time with pretty models.

  8. #8



    Here is the real deal;

    Your wife will encourage your being with the pretty models. They keep you revvvved up and she reaps the benefits. Also most of them hang around the house and she gets some much needed help with dishes and other chores.

    You know it is all in how you present the issue. Take it from me, keep your wife involved everything you do and you can do a lot you would never think of. One of Sue's jobs is that she helps pick out the models. She looks at the pictures and tells me what she thinks.
    Here is a link to the latest model. I think you will enjoy. [url=http://www.sunshine-photos.com/Krissy-clark/krissy36.jpg:7deb7]http://www.sunshine-photos.com/Krissy-clark/krissy36.jpg[/url:7deb7]

    This latest one wants Sue to teach her to fly fish. Maybe she can get ready for the fish-in who knows.

    [This message has been edited by Harold Hattaway (edited 24 January 2006).]

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Boise, ID and Running Springs, CA


    Best of luck on all your treatments. Sounds like with the many friends you have and all the support, you're well on your way. Never had a bison burger, but will give one a try in your honor.

  10. #10



    With models like Krissy, it is a surprise you are not healed already. I think helpers like Krissy could cure me of any ills.

    Still remmember having breeakfast with you last year.

    I look forward to seeing you at the Fish in.


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