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Thread: Help Please with Drying Strung Marabou

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Hemphill, TX.

    Default Help Please with Drying Strung Marabou

    I have some that has too much die left in it and am thinking about soaking it in water to see if it will get better, but after I am not sure how to handle it as far as drying and such.

    Any help would be appreciated.


  2. #2


    hey skip
    remove excess water with something besides newspaper (leaves ink) like a towel. hang on clothes line or use a hair drier. it'll fluff right back up.
    "There's more B.S. in fly fishing than there is in a Kansas feedlot." Lefty Kreh
    I can't say about fly fishing but there's a lot of feed lots in Kansas.
    Wes' Pattern Book

  3. #3


    I wash all the black and purple marabou I buy. To remove the excess dye, wet the marabou so it is soaked and wash it with your hands with liquid soap like Dawn and warm water. Rinse it well and watch the dye bleed off. Blot it hard with paper towels. Just lay it out on paper towels and 3 times a day or so pick it up and fluff it. It will be fine,

    Just wet it, wash it, rinse well and blot, let dry.


  4. #4


    I like to use Woolite for washing all my fur and feathers. If you wife is not at home put you feathers in a net bag and dry them on very low heat in the dryer.

  5. #5

    Red face boa,s

    Craft stores carry marabou feather boa's, cost 3 to 6 bucks, lots of colors if you look around. The dye is set, never had one bleed, quality feather, lifetime supply.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Hemphill, TX.


    Thanks all, I don't usually have trouble with my marabou and since I never hav got into gying it my self I was not sure what I needed to do. Got some Kelly Green that is just full of left over die though and turns my hands green with each tie. I can't even tell you how many colors I have, but only this one and one of the blue colors I have both need some attention.

    Will try looking at the boa's, but went to a craft store last week and the only ones they had the marabou seemed small and the it had the flat ends type on them.

    So thanks guys,

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Northfield, Vermont


    Man Skip until you put that word Strung in there I would have said cut a round hole in a paper bag, put the feathers in close the top and shake the bag while blowing warm air from the hair dryer into the bag


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Beacon Falls, CT

    Thumbs down

    No special drying treatment is needed. Just loosen up the wet clumps, lay them on a paper towel and wait a day. As an interesting aside, note that black and purple are the worst offenders. The reason here is that there is no such thing as black dye. It is very dark purple
    I will never understand why the suppliers of the dyed marabou cannot "fix" the material after dying. Cheap is cheap I guess.

  9. #9
    Normand Guest


    The reason here is that there is no such thing as black dye.
    so what is this?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
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    I have never found maribou to fluff back up after wetting unless it was blown dry with lots of air to fluff it as it dried...

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