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Thread: Any word on Harold?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Default Any word on Harold?

    Any word on how Harold is doing? Missing 3 and 4 days at a time because of shows this time of year I am at times almost hesitant to ask questions like this.....Bob

    [This message has been edited by mantis (edited 16 January 2006).]

  2. #2


    Hey Mantis:

    I am alive and kicking, been stored in the bathroom for a week, reaction to the new meds.

    I think I need to let everyone know that I am healthy, the meds are making me sick. The cancer is going down. I am in great spirits, and starting to recover from all the bad med reactions. I plan on being at the Florida Fish-in that Dave has jumped in and handled with such a professional attitude. Both Purebs and I were going to try to run the fish-in this year but due to my sickness and Purebs changing jobs and such, Dave stepped up to the plate and I think has done a wonderful job.

    Mantis, anytime you want drop me a line, I may only answer it with a grunt if I am sick but I will try to keep the lines of communication open. Stev let me know today that I was being neglectful but he understands that I do not have a computer in the bathroom..... Now I have a laptop, I have a wireless connection I can use. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Let me think this over, NOPE just not enough room to do what needs to be done in the speed it needs to be done with a #%#$% computer in the way..... <grin> So if I am off line, feel sorry for me because I am running to the bathroom or I have decided it is safer to stay there.

    Last Friday I took 15 Imodium AD in 12 hours. Did not even slow it down. Went to the doctor, (talk about nervous trip figure where I had spent the last 2 days and they want to put me in a car and drive 45 minutes in traffic........ ) Good thing I was lucky or he would have been paying for a messing cleaning bill. Anyway they strap me into the chair and start pumping fluids into me. NOW Listen, I am trying to stop fluids from coming out of me, and they are pumping 1 full liter of stuff back in. Anyway they give me a new drug, pill is so small you can hardly see it.... But it stopped the runs!!!!!!! ONE TINY PILL yup there are still miracles..

    But thanks for worrying, I will try to keep on line a little better... I told Dave I would try to tie some flies, but again no tying bench in the potty room. Not a lot of desire to do much in there except get out. hehhehehehehe

    So everyone keep me on the prayer list, but not on the death bed. I intend to be in remission by the summer. Oh if you did not know I am bald now, that was the pits. More of a mess than anything else. Get this, after being married 22 years the wife tells me she likes my hair short. I had to get cancer to please my fishing partner about my hair..... <grin>

    I do not know when Stev and I will be fishing, the weather has been cold for us southerns. 40 degrees sends us to the heater, and this last weekend we had cold temps and 45 mph winds... MIGHT could have stretched the fly line and got the kinks out but wow what a backcast that would take....

    So to sum this all up....

    I am getting better, the doctor and I are working on getting the meds right. After that I should be back in the swing of things. I am sorry if anyone was worried. Stev has been keeping in touch and fielding questions about my health. I need to go to lunch with him. We have had hamburgers waiting for 3 months or so.... Should be aged just about right by now....

    Take care everyone,



    [This message has been edited by Harold Hattaway (edited 16 January 2006).]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002


    Hey Harold, Thanks for the reply. your great attitude makes us all feel better.
    Concede it the bad days but don't give it the good days too! That has been my own motto and sounds like it is yours too.
    Glad you are now dethroned!!! Keep heart my friend,.....Bob

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Penticton BC
    Blog Entries


    Noted : Harold ...off death watch ... on Potty watch . Good to hear Harold , sort of I guess . The urge to insert some bathroom humor here is almost to great to pass up but I gave my head a shake and got over it . Great to hear that you are getting slowly better and the cancer is being beaten back .
    My prayers as always Harold .
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

  5. #5


    (Excuse me mantis for jumping on your thread).
    Your fantastic sense of humor and positive attitude are a wonderful thing to behold. I believe they are the most important requirements to the road for recovery. I want to wet a line with you sir! Or just share the experiance!!
    You Take Care Now, Ya Hear!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Bonneau, SC USA



    I can only imagine what you've been
    going through. But for you to maintain
    that great sense of humor and ready wit,
    you are my hero! I know in my heart of
    hearts that you'll beat this thing. I
    look forward to meeting you one day soon.
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Warm regards, Jim

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2002


    Heck Jack I want you to jump in! We're the old timers on here. How'd ya like that big 4.1 percent raise in our SS? Better than none I guess.
    Harold will do well. We must all continue to keep him in our thoughts and prayers.

    [This message has been edited by mantis (edited 16 January 2006).]

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    Hey Harold,
    GREAT to hear from you! I had been wondering & apologize for not keeping in touch but been soo busy.
    I think we need to "bottle" your attitude & spread it around....very few folks can match your determination & positive outlook.

    This site's about sharing!
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  9. #9



    I don't really know you, but I feel like I do. I will continue to pray for your healing. Keep looking forward to summer!

    By the way, 40's for us will be t-shirt weather.


  10. #10


    HH, it's always good to see you posting. I'v always looked forward to reading your post's. They always inform, shed humor, or just a howdy how are ya. There's always thought in your post's and I enjoy reading all of them. I'v said it b-4. You are a very important part of FAOL. thanks for being here...


    Spelling and Grammar not subject to judgement...
    "Because by the Grace of God I can, be on a beautiful mountain stream with a friend , have the water boil from a 12" Native Brookie taking a self tyed dry,and feel it on the end of my cane... It don't get no better than that..."

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