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Thread: Fly tying series

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Florence, KY

    Default Fly tying series

    Just in case any of you all are interested, I'm going to be posting some of my flies along with photos, materials lists and tying instructions on my blog this winter.

    I just posted the first one this morning. I have 3 or 4 already photographed but havent' written them up yet.

    I'll be tying over the winter. Some flies are my own takes on flies, some are things I just "made up or modified", and some are pretty traditional.

    If you're interested, the link to my blog is in my sig line.

    fishing bum in training
    My blog:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Orange City, Iowa



    very interest blog articles, enjoyed reading it.

    I also find allot of really neat stuff for tying at Thrift stores, walmart, dollar general ... places like that. As we don't have any fly shops in our area unless you want to drive about 5hrs, so I do all my specific fly tying materials on line but you can finds all kinds of alternate materials just about any where.

    That tinsel fly looks like it might work well in a couple of ponds I fish here ... but won't be able to try it out till probably early March

    "The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of that which is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope" -John Buchan

  3. #3


    Enjoyed reading your blog, Jeff! Nicely done.
    Mark 1:17

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Florence, KY


    Thanks for the compliments on the blog. I'm only a week or so into it and still trying to decide which direction it's going to go. I think it will get a little more refined over the next couple months as I get more used to blogging and learning what folks like to read and what doesn't sit so well.

    One thing I can say is I don't want to turn it into a commercial blog. Until it starts costing me money, I won't put any ads or anything like that on it. Even if it does start costing money, I may just cough up the cash to keep ads off.

    Mike, yes, the tinsel fly works great in ponds. Fish it slow. I cast it out, let it sink a few seconds and start a very very slow retrieve then every few seconds, stop the retrieve and let it sink a few seconds. You'd be surprised how many strikes come as it's sinking.

    Bass and Crappie hit it like freight trains. There is no doubt when one of those guys hits it. Just hold on. Sometimes, they hit so hard, they hook themselves. With bluegill, the line just stops coming in. When it's tight, strip set the hook and hold on. An 6" bluegill thinks he's a 6lb bass.

    I have a couple more flies tied and photographed that I'll be posting after Christmas. I usually get a chance to tie about once a week in the winter and tie up several different types of flies each session.

    On tabs right now are:
    Woolie Worm (already tied and photographed)
    San Juan Worm - soft hackle (tied and photographed)
    Poppers (still to do, several types)
    Foam body top water flies (various types - not tied yet)
    Some traditional soft hackles (yet to tie and photo)

    I'm sure there will be some other stuff come to mind over the winter, and like with the Broken Rods article, I'm sure there will be other good stuff to come along.

    Tight Lines guys and Merry Christmas.

    fishing bum in training
    My blog:

  5. #5


    Jeff, looks great. I love blogs with step by step fly tying. I'm especially interested in what's upcoming. Bookmarked.

  6. #6


    Nice blog and great pictorial on the fly tying steps. I think you should also send it to the LadyFisher for consideration for Fly of The Week.

    I look forward to reading future installments on your blog.
    Trout don't speak Latin.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Florence, KY


    Guys and gals,
    I just posted number 2 in the series today.

    My goal is to add a new fly once a week and at least 3-4 times a week add some new article.

    But if anyone is looking at the fly series I just uploaded a new one.

    fishing bum in training
    My blog:

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    White Bear Lake MN

    Default FAOL Fly Patterns

    I just want to remind everyone, that I have all the FAOL Fly Patterns, available in PDF (free Adobe Reader Download) required for download to your computer. I also have the most recent Adober Reader Download that I can send you.

    I have a Microsoft Windows 95, that is now doing service at my fly tying bench, since it CPU is too slow for handling Broadband.

    I have them all.....

    Fly of the Week
    Al Campbell's "Fly Tying Instruction" series (Beginners, Intermediate, Advance)
    Al Campbell's "Too Simple Flies".
    Ron Lucas's "Atlantic Salmon" series.
    "Just Old Flies and stuff" ( all the fly patterns and articles.
    I also have many of the other fly patterns that are scattered throught various heading on FAOL.

    If I do not have what you are looking for, I can create a PDF article very quickly, for you.

    Just send me an Email, my address is parnelli@comcast.net

    Charted Member of "Friends of FAOL"!

    These are all free downloads, because the first rule of FAOL, is no money ever changes hands, for what we all do here!
    Last edited by Steven McGarthwaite; 12-27-2009 at 02:30 PM.

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