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Thread: In from Scam Busters:

  1. #1

    Cool In from Scam Busters:

    <>~<>~<><>~<>~<><>~<>~<><>~<>~<><>~<>~<><>~<>~<><> ~<>
    20 Smart Steps to Stop Repair Scam Artists from "Fixing" Your
    <>~<>~<><>~<>~<><>~<>~<><>~<>~<><>~<>~<><>~<>~<><> ~<>

    Whether it's in your home, under the hood of your car or deep
    in the inner workings of your PC, repair scam risks are
    lurking in the darkest corners of our property.

    And they're every bit as troublesome -- and much more costly
    -- than the gremlins that got them there in the first place.

    A quick dip into the YouTube archive, for instance, turns up
    videos from recent, separate investigations by TV stations in
    three countries -- the US, Canada and Britain -- that show
    computer repair scam merchants at work.

    In each case, a reporter, posing as a customer, presents PC
    repair shops with a computer that's been doctored so it
    doesn't work.

    The faults are simple -- like a loose memory chip or unplugged
    cable -- but, in the vast majority of cases, the repairers
    either fail to spot the problem or simply claim the trouble is
    much more complex and will be costly to fix.

    Some of these computer repair scam types (and they even
    included a couple of well-known electronics retail chains)
    even suggest the PCs are now useless and the owner should buy
    a new one -- from them of course.

    Only about 20% both correctly diagnose the problem and charge
    "fairly" for them. But even that's a moot point since most
    computer repair shops have a minimum charge of $50 or $75 no
    matter what they do, and that's a costly way of re-plugging a

    Only two out of the dozens of repairers tested correct the
    problem for free.

    And, of course, as regular Scambusters subscribers know, auto
    repair scams are at least as common, ranging from bogus
    engineers in parking lots who claim they see something wrong
    with your car, to crooked repair shops who'll pull the same
    kind of tricks as those computer "fix-its" we just mentioned.

    For example, take a look at these articles:



    Then there are the home repair scam merchants who try to con
    you by claiming you have problems with some part of your
    structure (often the driveway, roof or chimney). Here are some
    examples of what to avoid:



    Or they'll tell you your home is infested with pests. Or they
    just happen to have materials left over from another job and
    can do a cheap makeover on some aspect of your home.

    Or maybe they'll either try to lure you out of the house so an
    accomplice can steal your stuff, or just come in, ask to visit
    the bathroom, and clean you out.

    Nearly all repair scams have one thing in common: they exploit
    your ignorance.

    The villains can tell you anything they want and, unless you
    happen to have some real expertise of your own, how are you to
    know if they're telling the truth?

    Sometimes, it can be a really tough call that may be just down
    to your gut feeling about whether to trust someone or not.

    Top 20 Repair Scam Tricks

    But there are quite a few things you can do to minimize the
    chances of being mugged by these repair scam artists. We've
    put together a list of 20 of them:

    1. Never agree with a front-door or parking lot solicitor or a
    telesales caller for them to do work for you without checking
    them out.

    Simply don't take their word for whatever they tell you -- and
    don't let them in your house or go outside with them.
    Generally, the most reliable repairers don't have to solicit
    for work.

    2. You should always thoroughly check out anyone you're
    planning on to do your repairs. Are they licensed/bonded? Are
    they listed in the phone book? What does their job/repair
    vehicle look like -- professional or dirty and worn out? Is the
    engineer or tech certificated for the work? Have many
    complaints against them been lodged?

    3. Unless you already have worked with them and absolutely
    trust their reputation for value, always get a second and,
    preferably, a third bid for comparison. This alone has saved
    us thousands of dollars. A 40% or 50% difference is not

    4. Check in advance if the contractor will charge for
    investigating the cause and producing an estimate. This can be
    expensive, so make sure you know up front what the fee will
    be. Although free estimates are wonderful, when it's someone
    you've called out to your home or time consuming to create the
    estimate, it may be fair for them to charge for their time.
    Also, find out if there's a minimum charge.

    5. Bids should be in writing and include not only costs but
    how long the work will take. When comparing them, make sure
    they're like-for-like -- covering the same scope of work and
    quality of materials.

    Car repair scam artists and some who fix home appliances are
    well known for substituting cheap, inferior parts that don't

    6. Establish if the work is going to be covered by a warranty
    -- and get a written copy. Check out that fine print -- that's
    where home repair scams are often hidden, taking away your
    rights for redress.

    7. And, on the subject of written stuff, keep copies of all
    correspondence, including emails and advertisements, in case
    there's a subsequent dispute.

    8. It's not unreasonable to record phone conversations too --
    but you should tell the person you're doing it, which has the
    dual benefit of common courtesy (or even the law in some
    places) and making the contractor aware you're on the ball.

    9. Where an item has to be replaced, make it clear upfront
    that you'll be wanting to see and keep the broken part once
    the job is done.

    10. Never agree to an open-ended repair deal where you have no
    idea what the final cost will be. Insist the repairer contacts
    you if it looks like the estimate will be exceeded.

    This sort of "bait and switch" trick is common with repair
    scams, where crooks who come in with the lowest competitive
    bid later tell you it's going to cost much more.

    11. Take steps to protect your valuables. That means
    concealing or locking away precious items before you let
    someone into your home or car, and removing or password
    protecting (or preferably encrypting) sensitive stuff on your PC.

    That even includes family photos, a favorite target of some of
    the weirdos in computer repair shops. And you always back up
    your data onto an external drive don't you?

    12. Speak to knowledgeable friends and do an online search for
    the problem you're experiencing, to get a clue on the possible

    Recently, Scambuster Keith was suspicious when a repair shop
    told him the whole a/c system on his low-mileage car was kaput
    and would cost $3,500 to replace. But a quick online search
    established this was a not-uncommon problem with his
    particular make and model and the quoted price was about

    13. Ask the contractor for references. Of course, he's not
    going to give you the names of dissatisfied customers but it's
    going to put him on his guard.

    Make sure you actually check the references -- don't just
    accept written ones -- and speak to the people involved,
    especially if it's likely to be a costly job.

    14. Be wary if the repairer asks to be paid in cash. Perhaps
    it's OK if you want to pay this way but if the repairer asks,
    he's also making a statement about the way he runs his
    business. And always get a receipt that specifies the work
    that's been done.

    15. Don't pay upfront. Some contractors may ask for a deposit,
    which is often OK. At the very least you should be able to
    hold at least half of the payment until the job is complete.

    16. Inspect all repair work, check the item is performing as
    it should be and pay by credit card if possible, which allows
    you to take action to halt the payment if you subsequently
    encounter early problems.

    17. Beware of sending items, like cell phones and iPods, away
    for repairs unless it's to the manufacturer or the retailer
    you bought it from. Online and classified ads offering cheap
    fixes could be a front for a repair scam. You'll likely never
    see the item again.

    18. Beware of being bamboozled by jargon. Repair scammers and
    even legit engineers and geeks may use terms you don't
    understand, either innocently or to try to convince you they
    know what they're doing.

    If you don't understand, ask. If it's a repair scam, the crook
    will either not be able to answer or won't look you in the eye
    when they try to explain.

    19. Be skeptical of "limited time" special offers or other
    sales talk that aims to convince you that you're getting a
    bargain, but only if you give the go-ahead for work now.

    It's easy for a repair scam artist to say the work would
    normally cost so-and-so but they can do it for less right now.
    Who says so?

    20. And finally, if you have the slightest suspicion that you
    may have been scammed, try to get the work inspected by a
    third party as soon as possible. Not only may this help you
    get your money back but, if repair work hasn't been done
    properly, it could even save your life!

    Goodness knows, these days getting just about anything fixed
    seems to cost an arm and a leg. You owe it to yourself -- and
    your wallet -- to try to ensure you're not being hoodwinked by
    a repair scam of someone who either doesn't know what he's
    doing or just sets out to rip you off.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Penticton BC
    Blog Entries


    I have been off of FAOL for over a month because of computer problems.
    I Took my computer into ****** a very big Multinational Company for repairs. It was obvious that the power supply had died. They sold me a new one and installed it for $60.00. Even though I told them it was the power supply they charged me $40.00 for a repair analysis. It took them 2 weeks to repair it because "their techie got the flu."

    I have since learned that it is simply a bolt it on and plug it in repair, but $60.00 is not unreasonable for a repair like that. I could have easily done it myself.

    The tech guy handed it back to me and said. " It works now but it won"t load Windows or Internet explorer. " I say how is that possible if it works? I Don't know, He says, I should have grabbed my computer and ran at that statement alone. But its ****** a company where I have shopped for 15 years and bought at least 5 different new computers over the years with very few problems.

    He says it will cost me $80.00 for a replace and recovery of my hard drive information and some other things which will totally fix the problem. Total so far is $338.00 He says he doesn't need my discs as he can go online and get them for that model of computer. He also recommends I have it cleaned for $40.00. I decline to have him clean it. I bought a can of compressed air in the store and cleaned it myself in about 3 minutes right there on the techie's counter while I am waiting for him to come back from his 20 minute break. This really annoyed the hell out of him. He said that onsite repairs are not permitted. I laugh my head off at him which really did nothing for his mood.
    The real problem is that I haven't backed up my stuff ( My bad ) and there is some very valuable irreplaceable pictures on there of a friend that died just recently so I reluctantly say OK. It takes another week and I pick it up and take it home. Now My virus checker won't load into it, I get a message saying that two or more virus checkers are fighting each other or something to that effect. I take it in once more. The guy says that I need to completely erase Norton virus checker so my online Mcafee program can be downloaded into it. They do that for free and it takes another week but When they hand it back to me they say It still won't load Internet explorer or Mcafee virus checker.
    I am now hopping mad, I am no longer willing to let them have it or touch it nor do I want to talk to them in any way shape or form. Only the power supply was broke when I took it in to them. Finally I just grab the thing and leave the store.

    So I take it home, Back up all my valuable information to a disc, then hunt up the recovery discs the guy said I didn't need , I format the Hard drive, re load the 5 recovery discs. Remove Norton from the hard drive, go online and load Mcafee virus checker Try it out and what do you know it works 100%. I go back to the store and confront the tech. He says Hmm I didn't think of formatting it. A manager who has been in on the whole repair from the very beginning shows Up and says Wow You actually found and fixed the problem yourself. Yes I say how about a refund on the repair and recovery since you didn't repair it? I get a blank stare and finally He says he cannot see his way to giving me one. I say so you charged me $338 to fix my computer. Your huge sign on the front of the building says we fix computers. You didn't fix my computer but your still keeping my money is that right?? I guess so he says. I find out later that the kid that worked on it is not a technician. Their certified tech had quit about the time I took it in to them ( No flu ) and they were advertising for a new tech.

    Expensive lessons learned.
    1. I now know I could have had it up and running for about $60.00 if I did it myself. About $85.00 At a reputable repair shop.
    2. Don't assume that the technician of a well know big box computer store has even a clue about computers.
    3. Back Up your valuable stuff on a regular basis. I could have backed mine up before I had problems. It would have taken all of 5 minutes. If I had had a backup I would have bought a new computer for $400 rather than agree to $338 in repair costs.
    4. Take it to more than one repair shop for estimates. I checked after the fact and several shops had much better rates and reputations.
    5. Do not assume just because it is a big Company that the people in that particular store won't scam you.

    One independant computer repair shop downtown, when I described the problem without telling him anything about all the troubles I had had, said. It sounds like your power supply is shot or blew the breaker. He showed me on one of his computers where the re set was in case it was something easy to fix like that. He also showed me the box with a new power supply in it and said You can easily install this unit yourself if you want to save a little money.

    Thats the guy I should have gone to, thats the guy I will go to next time. Thats also the guy I will buy my next computer off of.
    Last edited by Gnu Bee Flyer; 12-21-2009 at 10:26 AM.
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Liberty Lake, Washington


    Gnu Bee,
    Nice to have you back.
    PM me and tell me who the big store was. My puter is starting to act funny.
    Where you go is less important than how you take the steps.
    Fish with a Friend,
    Lotech Joe

  4. #4

    Default Hey Gnu?

    First welcome back, you have been missed.
    Second, tell us the name of the store. I will back you up 100%.
    Thank you for letting us know.

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