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Thread: "known to the state of California...."

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    West Tennessee

    Default "known to the state of California...."

    That warning label cracks me up.
    Good fishing technique trumps all.....wish I had it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    I worked at a wood treating plant for 21 years and every stick of treated wood that we sent to California had to have one of those labels on it. I bought some bullets for reloading once that had the same label on it. But what really cracked me up was when I purchased a new spinning reel a few years ago and it had that warning label attached.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Woodland, CA USA


    It's because we drive the economy. Wait for it. When CA mandates higher emission and mileage standards, and they are, all y'all will benefit from it.

    Hey, at least you know now what potentially cancer-causing stuff is in what you buy. I, for one, appreciate it. I now know better than to eat split shot, chased down by lighter fluid.

    ‎"Trust, but verify" - Russian Proverb, as used by Ronald Reagan

  4. #4

    Default Cosign

    ....what Mao said.

    Last edited by MontanaMoose; 12-12-2009 at 02:15 AM.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Big Bad Wulff View Post
    That warning label cracks me up.
    I too thought it was pretty stupid when I read Dan Bailey's catalog and saw this warning on a number of pages..."some of the fly fishing and fly tying items on this page have been determined...to cause cancer". HA! HA!

    I've been around that stuff for 50+ years.

    I even periodically stop in Dan Bailey's fly shop and rumage through much of the fly tying items and fishing gear. Those warnings won't keep me away...

    And then I was diagnosed with cancer.

    Those warnings still crack me up too!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Fort Wayne, Indiana


    Everything in the world is "known to the state of Californis" to cause everything from hickups to cancer. Just being alive is hazardus to your health in California. If not hazardus to your own health then it is hazards to someone elses health. There are several things that are not "known to the state of California". Budgets come to mind and there are others that I will not list here.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    NE Gwinnett Co., GA


    But how did our friends at PETA allow all of those laboratories in CA to cause cancer in rats.

    Every thinking person know the leading cause of cancer in rats is laboratories.
    Want to hear God laugh? Tell him Your plans!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Lafayette, Tennessee


    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Jesse View Post
    But how did our friends at PETA allow all of those laboratories in CA to cause cancer in rats.

    Every thinking person know the leading cause of cancer in rats is laboratories.
    That's a good one Uncle Jesse!

    A really good friend of mine had a wonderful idea one night when we were in college. He was going to start a group like PETA, except for vegetables. Vegetables are people too! He wanted to go picket salad bars and stuff like that. You know, like go to Kroger's and fill up a cart full of lettuce then run to the door and start throwing them out in the parking lot yelling, "You're free, you're free!!!" He was going to name it VETA. V for vegetable. It wasn't until the next morning that he realized that Vegetables for the Ethical Treatment of Animals didn't make sense. Of course that was the idea. I'm guessing you can figure out the state of mind he was in at the time. Probably even guess what caused it, and I can assure you it was self inflicted.

    "If we lie to the government, it's called a felony, when they lie to us, it's called politics." Bill Murray

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Mojave Desert CA


    Not Only "Known to the State of California..."

    Being a (shudder) native Californian, I have been seeing these signs for awhile. However, California is not the only sign crazy state. Even the Feds have theirs. Recently I was at the Social Security office and saw this sign on the door:

    WARNING!It is a federal offense to kill, kidnap, forcably assault, intimidate or interfere with federal employees while they are engaged in or on account of the performance of their official duties.
    Violators are subject to criminal prosecution.

    I thought, HUH? I'd better keep my cool in here. I had a 9AM appointment and was seen at 9:50. I think that should be against the law.

    I visited a club in Lubbock, Texas with this sign on the door:

    The Lubbock Health Board Has Determined That Second Hand Smoke Is Unsafe.

    Being from California, and knowing the risks because of the numerous signs warning of the hazards of second hand smoke, I left and went elsewhere where smoking was not allowed.

    Now it might seem a little anal for the State of California to have these signs affixed to everything from gas pumps to convienience store doors to toys with small parts. You can take it or leave it. They are just covering their own a**s by warning us and therefore not being liable. It's like McDonalds putting warning signs on hot drinks. Microwavable foods have warning labels, materials containing lead, or other potentially dangerous chemicals or ingrediants have them too. My doughboy pool liners come with signs warning to not dive or jump into the pool. The toys I purchased a few days ago for my grandkids have warnings about small parts being dangerous for children under 3. All drug stores or companies have warnings on prescription and OTC drugs telling us not to operate machinery, not to take with alchohol, and the dangers of mixing with other drugs. Almost everything even moderately hazardous tells us to KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN. The list goes on and on.
    It may seem like Vanity on my home state's part to warn us, but I think it's worth it. Happy Holidays, Jim
    I'm either going to, coming from or thinking about fishing. Jim

  10. #10



    It cracks me up too, but here is an excerpt from the state of Tennessee explaining why those seemingly ridiculous labels are plastered on nearly every product we see.

    "Consumers are sometimes amazed at the warning labels on certain products and while manufacturers sometimes go overboard on these warnings, they are required to post warnings which advise consumers regarding dangers of which the ordinary consumer might not be aware.

    In order to avoid product liability lawsuits, some manufacturers add cautionary notices to their warning labels advising against actions that would seem almost impossible for the consumer to perform in the first place such as "Never use curling iron while sleeping" or "Do not immerse in water." which is part of the warning label for numerous electrical appliances.

    Some labels for appliances that heat up caution consumers that hot surfaces can cause burns while a label for a stroller warns parents to remove their child before folding stroller. While much fun has been made of some of the more outrageous warning labels, serious injury has occurred in countless cases in Tennessee where the consumer received no such warning.

    Just as an ordinary consumer is going to realize that hot coffee is hot, he or she probably wouldn't expect to have to undergo skin grafts if the coffee was spilled on them. Thus, while we laugh, scrupulous manufacturers have to imagine every possible scenario that could harm consumers and post warnings in the interest of consumer safety."
    Trout don't speak Latin.

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