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Thread: Bald eagle preservation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    B.C. Canada

    Default Bald eagle preservation

    I have created a post about dozens Bald Eagles being slaughtered for their tail feathers and talons in the conservation forum of this site. Please take the time to read this thread

    This sort of behaviour is dispicable and makes me ashamed to share the human race with such heartless people such as the ones killing these birds.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Bonneau, SC USA


    Hey She Ties,

    A friend volunteers in a local raptor center and
    she tells me that the laws are extremely
    strict here on eagle feathers and body parts. They recover injured and dead birds
    and aid them or dispose of them accoring to
    law which as I understand it, makes them
    available to native american groups for
    ceremonial use. I do know that I have seen
    more eagles in the last decade than ever
    before. I have two that enjoy hunting our
    back pasture and spend a lot of time in the
    area. On a recent kayaking trip I spotted
    7 in the adjacent national forest. They
    seem to be doing pretty well in these parts.
    I share your concern with anyone who would
    poach these magnificent creatures and would
    drop a dime on one in a heartbeat. Warm
    regards, Jim

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    B.C. Canada


    From what I have heard BC has some of (if not the best) the best/healthiest Bald Eagle populations in Canada. The officials think that is the reason we are having problems here vs the rest of Canada and the US. Our penalties are up to $50,000 fine per bird and jail time. We just have to catch these poachers first. The officials are now starting to think that is is organized poaching, not just "Joe Blow" out there. They are finding more dumped eagle bodies very week and it makes me sick with anger.

    It is nice to know that I am not the only one enraged by this behaviour.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Kuujjuaq, Quebec



    Saw the item on the Wire when it came out. Know the area, ... too bad.

    We have the same problem here with Black bears as there is a market for gall bladders

    Every individual action counts, ... from refusing to tolerate the sale of such items, by denouncing those who offer to sell you items and by keeping the SOS poaching numbers on speed dial. Oh, and I'm strict on this. Pity the poor soul that offers to sell me some Walleye fillets, I'll agree in a minute and show up with the RCMP.

    I've travel on occassion literally thousands of miles to return to a jurisdiction to testify against certain people. It's all worth it, be it boycotting a restaurant chain, informing certain tourists about the impact of "souvenir" items ...

    I guess there will aways be a those marginals that will try to profit from human vanities, ... whether the "activity" or "item" hides behind the excuse of tradition, culture, ignorance, or greed, it is still unacceptable.


    Thanx for the link and the thread.

    Christopher Chin
    Jonquiere Quebec

    [This message has been edited by fcch (edited 26 February 2005).]

    [This message has been edited by fcch (edited 26 February 2005).]
    Christopher Chin

  5. #5


    Twenty years ago there were no bald eagles in NJ. Today there are 70 pairs, most in my area of the state. I had the great supprise of stepping out one morning to find a bald eagle standing guard in my driveway.
    Its come to the point that housing developers are now bold enough to say that if a nest comes between them and development, the nest must go to insure the "quality of life and economic vitality of the housing industry".
    Its the eagles that insure MY quality of life! and I hope to keep it that way... FB.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Upper midwest


    Here's a grin for you, though. North of here a pig farmer reported that an eagle was picking off his piglets. (True story!) What could he do? Eagles are protected. Now nobody can use the excuse that they'll do it "when pigs fly!"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Penticton BC
    Blog Entries


    When I lived In the Queen Charlottes , I found a Dead Eagle On the Mud flats where I fish . I thought , neat , I'll get It mounted . Fortunately My neighbor was a conservation officer , boy did he set me straight . I had to officially report it to Him . He took charge of the carcass , I filled out a large form . He assured me that no way would I be able to keep it for Mounting as there is a long list of Natives that are elegible for the feathers . I'm Happy that the bird was used for a good purpose even if it wasn't what I had planned .I don't think I'd have been in trouble over it , My neighbor said that any taxidermist is required to report any raptors brought to them such as eagles to the authoritys .The Slaughter of Eagles in BC is obviously being carried out for the big bucks by people with no conscience and no morals .

    Time is the fire that we burn in .
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Kuujjuaq, Quebec


    Gnu Bee,

    The Slaughter of Eagles in BC is obviously being carried out for the big bucks by people with no conscience and no morals
    Just makes you wonder WHO these poachers are selling to ??

    One way to catch poachers is to get them in the act ... Another way (in compliment to the first) is to put them out of business by putting pressure on clients.

    When a part of society wanted seal hunting stopped, did the europeans appeal to the conscience of Newfoundland seal hunter?? nope, ... they made it POLICALLY IN CORRECT to wear seal fur.

    Now this isn't a rant against northamerican indian's traditional values, so don't flame me. We have similar problems stemming from other cultures.

    Christopher Chin
    Jonquiere Quebec

    [This message has been edited by fcch (edited 27 February 2005).]

    [This message has been edited by fcch (edited 27 February 2005).]
    Christopher Chin

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Morris Plains, NJ


    That's a bad thing.

    Conversation efforts have been working in the Eastern U.S. I have seen bald eagles several along the Delaware River, and last summer even saw a juvenile bald eagle flying down the middle of the Delaware.

  10. #10


    Just to weigh in with a differing concern.

    I don't believe ANYONE should be allowed to 'use', 'kill', 'consume', etc., an endangered species like the Bald Eagle.

    Native American 'Indians' INCLUDED.

    This bowing to their 'culture' is overblown.

    Some folks from China believe that the use of powdered Rhino horn is beneficial to them, yet are they to be allowed to kill these animals at will to get the horns?

    Cultures in the Carribean have sacrificed different animals, as have many others, for religious reasons. Should they be allowed to practice this now?

    Why can't the Native Americans use 'imitaiton' eagle feathers in their ceremonies? It certainly doesn't keep them from conducting the event. Nor would it 'change' it in any functional way. So they would have to 'modify' ot 'change' some to accomodate the law. We ALL have to do that. Whats WRONG with it?

    If your beliefs were that you should be able to kill and eat all you can catch, since your great great great grandfather was able to, why is THAT any different.

    The laws written to protect our natural resources should apply to all, regardless of where they were born, what they may choose to believe, or what they think their 'culture' entitles them to.

    Making changes, adapting to the changing world, both culturally and physically, is what human progress is all about.

    Having different 'classes' of citizens under the law, with 'priveledges' based solely on heredity, is, frankly, disgusting if not appalling.

    The benefits of citizenship are extended to all with the understanding that belonging to that group requires subjecting ourselves to the rules or laws that apply equally to all.

    If protecting the Eagle, or any other creature, is considered beneficial to the whole, then such protection should be enforced equally accross the population.

    AND, as far as I'm concerned, doing the 'correct' thing in todays world means NOT killing Bald Eagles. I find abhorrent anyone that does so, regardless of whether or not it's 'allowed'. You can still do the right thing, regardless of the law.

    ANY 'culture' that advocates the killing of endangered species or taking more than the allowed legal limits of fish or game because their ancestors did so is worthy only of disdain.

    I know this opinion isn't 'politcally correct', but I don't particularly care. Then again, maybe it SHOULD be. Chris is correct, making such deeds 'politically incorrect' may help stop such practices EVEN among groups that are 'allowed' to do such things.


    It Just Doesn't Matter....

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