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Thread: The 'THEORY' of 'best effort'...

  1. #1

    Default The 'THEORY' of 'best effort'...

    Been kicking this one around in my head and bouncing it off of friends for a while...

    We all tie flies differently, at different cosmetic and skill levels. Not all of our efforts come out the 'same' and often there is quite a variation in flies tied of a particular type from say, the 'first dozen ever' to the last ones you've tied. We do learn as we tie, and it's common for there to be variations and often marked improvements.

    How do you guys feel about the flies you tie as far as which 'specific' ones you fish?

    I firmly believe that what has been termed 'ugly' flies will catch fish...no argument with that and that's not what I'm asking about...even poorly tied flies certainly do work as far as the mere catching of fish goes.

    I intelectially 'know' all of this, yet....

    I usually find myself grabbing the 'best' fly of whichever pattern I want to fish first. If I come up with a variation or change in how I tie the fly that makes it come out better, I'll use those, often relegating the earlier versions to the storage bins where they seldom, if ever, find a chance to hit the water.

    I don't often think about why I do it, it's just something I've always done.

    I'd like to think that, if there is a 'conscious' reason for it, it has to do with respect for the fish or the fishing itself. Something as simple as feeling that the moment, the fish, the water, the summation of the whole experience, deserve my 'best efforts'. (Or, it could be just as simple as maybe subconsciously I believe that the 'nicer' flies will catch moire fish..)

    Am I alone in this?

    Maybe this explains another reason why some of us tie our own flies.

    It Just Doesn't Matter....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Williamsburg Ohio


    Your drawn to the cosmetics of the fly. Its only human...

    ANALOGY: a 2009 Corvette in shiny BLACK....doesnt drive one bit better than the same car in "primer". Which one do you want to drive around town. It doesnt matter what others think...its how you perceive "X" in your own mind.

    A rod that has the guides "halfway" wrapped on but has enough finish to hold them "forever" will fish just as well as the same blank thats a "thing of beauty"...but which one do you WANT to fish with??

    Luckily for me around home here I dont use anymore than about 4 different flys...and then in only about 3 sizes...and I can do them "decently" ( Some I cant tie for ***T....lol)

    Someone posted that his were so bad that the fished laughed at him...dont I wish. My bad ones are so nasty looking...the fish untie them from my tippet and THROW them back at me...I guess for polluting the stream???..

  3. #3


    yeah, I will also dig around in my box on the stream and find the "best looking" fly and tie it on first (of a particular pattern I'm wanting to fish). But you know, I've had several days where that "best looking" fly gets very ratty worn/torn from being chewed on by a few fish and the fly seems to get better and better at fooling fish!
    Mark 1:17

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Tauranga New Zealand


    Hi Buddy; I think we all like to make an impression on people when we first meet, SO; I can't see why choosing that Stand Out fly from your box to impress the trout should be any different.

    Like you. I can get really picky at times and often wonder how a particular fly had a spot in my Fly Box. Reviving them with Steam from the kettle can at times make me feel better about the OLD flies.

    Isn't Fly fishing Great?? Jax

  5. #5
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    Apr 2007
    Blog Entries


    After thousands upon thousands of commercial flies tied I tend to run my flies about the same from first to last and I usually tie at least 10 or 12 at a time, and usually a lot more. Much as I would like to think they are all perfect I know better. generally the one that stands out is not the best.

    Because no one has ever accused me of suffering from low self-esteem I have quite a bit of pride in the stuffing of my fly boxes. So, to make things as good as I can, the worst fly is the next one used... And, they seem to work at least as well as the best.

    But when it comes to fishing, the rattiest, most shredded fly going will outfish a fresh tie almost everytime...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Plymouth, MN USA


    Buddy -

    I laughed when I read your post - it described me.

    I still have some of the first flies I ever tied in my box - they caught fish, but they're sure not much to look at. My "improved" versions always seem to see the water first.

    I guess the fisherman is the first one that needs to be caught by the fly.....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Auckland, New Zealand



    I do the same thing. The best flies, as judged by my definination of asthetics, are the ones I'll fish. I try and tie flies I like to look at, and I like to fish flies I like to look at. I still have some flies that I tied years ago in my fly box, and this past summer I even tied one on to give it a go. And I caught some fish with it (a black gnat). I enjoyed that fish too.

    Fly fishing is enjoyable, in part I think, because it is asthetically pleasing. It's pretty to watch someone cast, the rods are pretty, the reels are pretty, the water and scenery is pretty, the fish are pretty, and so forth. It just becomes wrong to then tie on an ugly fly, wrong in the asthetic sense not the moral sense.

    Or perhaps, like crows, we're just drawn to the sparkly.

    - Jeff
    Am fear a chailleas a chanain caillidh e a shaoghal. -

    He who loses his language loses his world.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    NW Alabama


    Don't know much about aesthetics, but I do like to catch fish. Simple is usually best for me, and that don't usually spell beautiful. I love it if i can tie a fly in less than 5 min. and it catch fish. Not to say i dont try something a little more exotic occasionaly. I prefer vintage rods and reels that I have bought at flea markets, not especially aesthetic to some, but they do catch fish. Maybe tie them beautiful and put them in display boxes or tie them quickly and not worry with them then fish them till they fall apart while enjoying the catch, then tie some more. Just enjoy the ride.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    West Tennessee


    I'm interested in catching fish, not fishermen.
    Good fishing technique trumps all.....wish I had it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Sully, I really liked the analogy you used. Very apt. For myself, I try and tie as artfully as my skills allow for my own accomplishment and enjoyment, but then I almost always "rough" them up before fishing. Can't attest to this scientifically, but my "sense" is the fish prefer a bit of aging in their meals.
    Calling flyfishing a hobby is like calling brain surgery a job.
    Paul Schullery

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