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Thread: Minor tip for bulletin board use

  1. #1

    Default Minor tip for bulletin board use

    I've noticed lately a lot of posts that are too wide to fit on the screen due to really long links. Scrolling sideways to finish each line can get old fast! I thought I'd pass on a minor tip that will help us all eliminate that problem and make the threads easier to read.

    Instead of simply typing the link so that the entire thing appears in the post you can use a handy piece of UBB code which is compatible with this board. When following these instructions don't type the quotation marks! They are only there for the illustration! So, here it is. You start with a code that lets the board know you are giving it a hyperlink. Both the code and the actual link go inside of brackets like this []. Once you've typed the link and closed the brackets you add the text (with no brackets) that will be the actual hyperlink in the post. You then type another command in brackets that lets the board know you're finished with the hyperlink and ready to move on with the rest of the post.

    Okay, I know what you're thinking: that all sounds very complicated. It's not. I'm just trying to spell it out as much as possible. Here's an example of what the command will look like on your screen before you submit the post. Remember, don't type the quotation marks!

    ["URL=http://www.mycoollink.com]click here![/URL"]

    Important things to remember:

    -the "url" command and the web address must be together in the brackets for this to work

    -after you've added the text that will be the "hyperlink" in the post the next "url" command must be preceded by a /

    And finally, here's an example of this technique in action. Note: it's also a hint for some of you! [url=http://www.flyanglersonline.com/chat2.5/:249e6]click here![/url:249e6]

    I hope I haven't made this seem more difficult than it is! If all I have managed to do is confuse you let me know, I'll be happy to answer questions.


    [This message has been edited by JeremyH (edited 06 January 2006).]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Stevensville, MI


    [url=http://www.flyanglersonline.com/travel/fishinmich2006/:96f9e]Click here![/url:96f9e]
    did it work?

  3. #3



    Perfect! I hope I explained it well - not exactly my strong point.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Coon Rapids, MN.


    Thank you Jeremy(2),

    Jeremy(1). *G*

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Santa Barbara, CA, USA



    It's not the links that cause problems:

    Example: [url=http://cgi.ebay.com/DAM-QUICK-25-Fly-Fishing-Reel-Germany-rare_W0QQitemZ7208557015QQcategoryZ23818QQrdZ1QQcm dZViewItem:60800]http://cgi.ebay.com/DAM-QUICK-25-Fly-Fishing-Reel-Germany-rare_W0QQitemZ7208557015QQcategoryZ23818QQrdZ1QQcm dZViewItem[/url:60800]

    It's people posting pictures that are too large. I've seen people post pictures that are 700, 800, even 1200 pixels wide. Pictures don't wrap and stretch the post beyond the screen. If people keep pictures under 500 pixels they will not only kkep the postr from stretching but will load faster.


  6. #6


    Joe? The link you posted DID make my screen scroll.....

    LadyFisher, Publisher of

  7. #7


    Mine too. There's no way around it, although photos are sometimes a culprit also.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Santa Barbara, CA, USA


    A long url will make it scroll with some browsers, but not with the most popular one Internet Explorer.

    A larger graphic will make it scroll with all browsers, there is no way around that.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Kuujjuaq, Quebec


    Joe, ...

    The URL you posted scrolls at home 'cause the screen on the lap top is set to 1024x768

    When I'm docked, ... I'm at 1200x1024

    You're right about images. The big ones pake us scroll. One should always re-sample images for the internet anyway, ... saves on bandwidth and REALLY helps those who are on dial-up. For example, ... a normal image as it comes out of my digital cam is 0.6 meg, ... when I re-sample it to 800x536 pixels, ... it is 1/6 the size

    Christopher Chin, Jonquiere Quebec
    [url=http://www.flyanglersonline.com/bb/Forum1/HTML/015738.html:18ac2]2006 FishIn Ste-Marguerite River[/url:18ac2]

    [url=http://pages.videotron.com/fcch/:18ac2]Fishing the Ste-Marguerite[/url:18ac2]
    Christopher Chin

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Santa Barbara, CA, USA



    The url does NOT cause scrolling even if you set your monitor to 800 X 600 with Internet Explorer.

    While the 800 pixel picture may seem OK on your 1280 setting the majority of viewers here have their monitors set to 1024 or 800 pixels wide. Your 800 pixels is too wide for posting. That is as large as some people have their monitors set to.

    In addition, the physical size (number of pixels)is only one consideration. You must also reduce the file size with an ample amount of file compression. Most of the pictures posted here are either too large in phyiscal size or file size and in many cases both. Reducing the picture to 500 pixels or less AND then saving it with enough file compession to get it as small a file size as possible while retaining enough quality is the important second step.


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